Chapter 13

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~Eren's POV~
"Levi needs help, and fast." "Ok, said Mikasa, he has a serious injury to the head and I know what to do." Mikasa took off Levi's cape and used it as a bandage, wrapping it around his head carefully. "Uggg......Mi...Mikasa...and ......E...Eren?" "Shhh, save your energy." whispered Mikasa as she checked for more wounds. "I'll go and get another soilder to help us bring Levi back home, Mikasa stay with him." "Right." said Mikasa. Eren left using his 3DMG. "

~Levi's POV~
I was just laying there on the ground.......I blacked out a couple times.....I feel like throwing up but I have no energy. Mikasa is staring at me with worried eyes. They're beautiful. Everytime I close my eyes I can hear her breathing get more frantic. She thinks I'm dying. I feel like dying. I guess these brats really do care.

~Mikasa's POV~
*Gasp* ("Levi don't die on me......*lets out relieved breath* he's still alive. Why am i all worked up over Levi? I love Eren, not Levi.") Levi opens his eyes to see Mikasa blushing. "Oi Mikasa, you like me don't you?" "Wha...what, why would you think that!?" "Its obvious: your blushing and your getting all worked up you liking me. Its ok because I like you too." ("Man, what is taking Eren so long? Oh there he is.") "Mikasa! Levi!" yelled Eren and Hanji. They had a horse pulling a cart to put Levi in. "Mikasa could you give me a hand in carrying Levi?" asked Hanji, already bending bown. "S...sure." I reached for Levi's head and helped pick him up. He's sleeping peacefully, he looks beautiful while he is asleep. I gently set him down in the cart. "Eren if you don't mind can I sit back here with Levi to make sure he's ok?" "Yeah and I'm going to go help Erwin and everyone else they spotted another Titan that is very intelligent, i'll give you more news when we get home." Hanji mounted the horse and started going back to the wall. "Sooo, Mikasa, do you like Levi?" "Ummm...maybe a little, why?" "Oh I can tell, you were blushing when you were carrying him." "If you really love Levi you should tell Eren so he doesn't think that you're cheating, and then tell your feelings to Levi because he has the likes for you too." "O...ok." Levi woke up from the talking. "Oi Mikasa thank you for saving me, when I get better come and see me sometime, i'd like to talk." "Ok."

~Time Skip:Levi is all better~

~Levi's POV~
("I really hope Mikasa remembers to visit.")
*Knock knock* "Come in!" "Hey its you, have a seat." Mikasa goes to sit next to Levi on his bed. "Glad you came." said Levi as he scooted closer to Mikasa. Mikasa didn't move she just blushed really bad. "Can I show you something?" "S..sure." Mikasa barely got the words out when a pair of soft lips smashed into hers, she returned the kiss, turning her head so she could have more of Levi. "Mmm...Mikasa, so you do love me?" "Yes." said Mikasa as she kissed him again. Levi then took off Mikasa's cape and straps from her uniform and started to kiss her down her neck. Mikasa had no choice but to let out a soft moan and ask for more. Levi layed Mikasa down on the bed and got on top of her. He continues to kiss her as she unbuttons Levi's shirt revealing his 6 pack. She begins to kiss Levi's beautiful body as Levi moans for Mikasa to give him more. Suddenly they both hear a knock on the door. "Not now I'm busy." said Levi annoyed. Eren walked away slowly still trying to find Mikasa so they can go on a date. "Maybe she left and forgot about the date." said Eren to himself as he walks away to his room.

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