Chapter 12

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A/N:Hey guys thanks for the votes and reading my story but shoutout to OtakuAyumi-chan she has been voting on every chapter and she loves my book sooo ya, on to the story!!!)

~Eren's POV~
I woke up next to Mikasa, I guess we both fell asleep on the couch. I got up careful not to wake Mikasa and went to my room to freshen up a little and go get some food. "Good morning Eren! Where were you yesterday?" asked Connie. "In Mikasa's room." "Ooohhh so you did it didn't you?" "What!!!! I went to talk to her then we both fell asleep on the sofa thats all." Eren started to blush. "Haha! Its ok Eren we sleep with our girlfriends sometimes." said Jean. "Wait, said Eren, you and connie have girlfriends? Who are they." "No we don't have girlfriends, they both said looking down. "Its ok you'll find someone haha." "Its not fucking funny Jaeger!" yelled Jean pissed off. "Shut up, tch brats." "Oh Corporal Levi!" They all stand and salute to Levi. "Hurry and get ready we are going on a mission outside the walls today." "Short notice much?" said Jean. "Shut up and get your uniforms on and meet me by the gate, and tell everyone else that we are leaving." "Yes sir!" "Im going to go get Mikasa up and tell her to get ready." Quickly, I walked down the long corridor to Mikasa's room. *Knock knock* "Come in!" "Hey get dressed, Levi told me to get you up so we can go on a mission." Mikasa cocked her head looking confused. "Mission?" "Yeah outside the wall."

~Mikasa's POV~
("Eren said "A mission outide the walls" so easily, like it wasn't that bad to fight titans.") "Um..o..ok I'll get ready." "Ok said Eren as he walked away." *whispers to self* "A mission? Talk about short notice."

~Time skip cause im lazy~

I quickly got dressed and grabbed my 3DMG. I met up with Eren, Armin, and Jean and we set off to the gate to find Levi. Once we got to the gate.... "All right everyone mount your horses and prepare to go!" Yelled Commander Erwin. "Eren. Please. Be careful and don't die." "Grabs Mikasa's hand and holds on tightly. "I won't." "Ok lovebirds we get it you love each other, stop rubbing it in!" said Jean. *Leans toward Mikasa so Jean can't hear* "I think he's jelly." *chuckles* "He sounds like a 3 year old, said Mikasa, *tries to imitate Jean* "stop rubbing it in!" They both laugh. "Ok everyone we will be leaving in 3...2...1...FORWARD!!!!!" Everyone burst through the gate and into the outside world inhabited by Titans. Eren looked over to his left and realized how beautiful the world is outside the walls. "Eren, yelled Mikasa, don't get sidetracked keep your eyes ahead!!!! There is 15 meter class Titan about 20 miles away I can see it from here!! Be careful and don't do anything reckless!"

~Eren's POV~
("There goes Mikasa again bossing me around like she's my mother or something.") I look ahead and see the Titan in the forest of big trees. I get my 3DMG ready but then in the distance I see something small fly into the air. It was Levi trying to fight the Titan but it was an aberrant and it yanked his wire and shot to the ground. "LEVI!" I yelled as I used my gear to slay the Titan and land beside Levi. "Levi, Levi, wake up! Levi!" Mikasa dismounts her horse to come see what was wrong. "Whats going on?" "I think Levi is dead." Said Eren, tears forming in his eyes. "Move over, let me see." said Mikasa, almost forcefully. She checked his pulse and his breathing. "He's alive but he needs help, and fast."

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