Chapter 2:Mikasa Meets Everyone

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(A/N:Hey sorry that the first chapter was short and i promise i will try to make this one longer, thanks everyone for reading and please continue to read and vote and comment✌❤)

~Third Person POV~

It is the next day and the storm has cleared up and Eren gets up to get ready for the day.

~Eren's POV~
I'm so tired after getting up at 2 in the morning, welp I guess I'd better get ready for training. Oh, i should check on Mikasa. I quietly walked up the stairs and peeked into her room. "Umm..Mikasa are you up yet? I was wondering if....." "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! SHUT THE DOOR IM NOT DRESSED YET!!!!" "OH MY GOSH I'M SOO SORRY!!!" I slammed the door shut as soon and I could. Whew, that was close, i don't remember seeing anything. After a few seconds Mikasa opened the door. "I hope you know that you should knock before you open the door." "Yeeeeaaaahh, sorry about that, I thought you were asleep. But I wanted to ask if you were hungry cause i wanted to show you where we eat breakfast." "Sure." She said. "Lead the way."

~Mikasa's POV~
Wow, there sure are a lot of people here.. "Hey Eren who are these people?" "These are the soldiers in the survey corps. they help to fight Titans, im part of this group" He pointed to a table full of people. "These are my friends, hey guys come and introduce yourself." "Hi my name is Armin, Armin Arlert." Admin was short and blonde. "Im Connie nice to meet you." "My name is Hanji and if you want to learn more about Titans just ask meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!" Connie leaned in towards me. "She is really crazy about Titans and she knows everything about them." "H..hi im J..Jean." Jean seemed to blush a lot. Every few seconds I would catch him looking at me. "Hey there my name is Marco." Marco whispered to me. "And just so we're clear, if you ever call Jean horseface it will piss him off so you can call him that cause its pretty funny." "Oh yeah." said Eren. "Him over there." He pointed to a boy sitting all alone. "Thats Serj, he doesn't talk much but he's still part of the group."

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