Spider-Man: Thanks for the heads up. Get to safety.

Forgoing the spot where he would change into Peter Parker, Spidey quickly swung to his school to find the police already there.

He landed on a car, gaining everyone's attention.

Spider-Man: I heard there was trouble so I thought I'd swing by.

Spider-Man: What's the situation?

A mustache man then walked up to the Wallcrawler.

(GCPD Commissioner: Jim Gordon)

(GCPD Commissioner: Jim Gordon)

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Jim: Spider-Mam, I presume?

Spider-Man: Yep. That's me.

Jim: I'm commissioner Jim Gordon of the GCPD.

Jim: We have a hostage situation. Teenager, bomb, gun, in the cafeteria.

Spider-Man: Who's the kid?

Jim: We've identified him as Johnny Frisk. A senior in the school.

Jim: He wants to talk to you. Do you know why?

Spider-Man: Nope. But I'll go find out.

Jim: Be careful, and try to keep him calm. You have until nightfall.

Spider-Man: What happens Nightfall?

Jim: The Batman.

Spider-Man:...(mumbles) So cool.

Jim: Hm?

Spider-Man: Wish me luck!

Leaping across the air onto the wall, Spidey begins crawling along the wall, all the way to the cafeteria window where he knocked to gain everyone's attention before crawling in.

Spider-Man:(mind) Can't really make the same mistake with Gwen. So better keep the chit-chat to a minimum.

Johnny: S-Spiderman...

Crawling onto the ceiling, Spidey began lowering himself down to Johnny by web, stopping when they were face to face so he could calmly talk in private with him.

The other students were as far from Johnny as could be. So with a deeper voice that wasn't too ridiculous, Spidey spoke.

Spider-Man: So why are you doing this Johnny? And why do you want to talk to me?

Johnny: I-I didn't want to get beat up by Batman... Besides, I heard you do days.

Spider-Man:... Fair enough. And why are you doing this?

Johnny: They made me...

Spider-Man: Who?

Johnny: I don't know... Thugs... Black masks... Black everything...

Johnny: Th-they told me to do this or boom...

Spider-Man: But they were okay with you calling me?

Johnny: They told me to call whoever, as long as I stayed here...

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