Awake my soul
Awake my soul

How fickle my heart and how woozy my eyes
I struggle to find any truth in your lies
And now my heart stumbles on things I don't know
My weakness I feel I must finally show

Josh had the camera tilted toward Luanne trying to keep his composure. He didn't realize how tightly he was gripping the camera as he recorded. Something about the way she looked then made him sure about his entire being. Getting to see her hair whipping through the air and the joy in her voice as she sang. It would stick with him for life.  

In these bodies we will live, in these bodies we will die
And where you invest your love, you invest your life
In these bodies we will live, in these bodies we will die
And where you invest your love, you invest your life

Emmie looked toward Josh holding the camera then seeing his starstruck eyes. She was furious at him for what he did. Seeing him now she knew it was out of fear for a life without Luanne. She couldn't blame him. Emmie felt the same about a future without her best friend. It was heartwarming to know someone else felt the same. 

Awake my soul
Awake my soul
Awake my soul
For you were made to meet your maker
You were made to meet your maker

As the song ended there was a comfortable silence in the car with the only disturbance being the wind howling through the air. When more music filled the car Emmie made sure to playing the air drums making Sam grin in what one could only assume was a loving grin. Josh was himself throughout the rest of the ride but he made sure to enjoy every moment he had in the car this time. And thus in these quiet moments he began plotting. 

"You all should have been on that ride. I think Jake is beginning to enjoy the infectious voice of Louis Tomlinson. Just a guess though." Mickey hopped out of the car once they pulled into the campground toward Luanne and Emmeline. 

"You got Danny and Jake to listen to what?" Sam called out lifting Em out of the car. 

Luanne and Josh proceeded to lift the bags from the trunk ignoring the debate behind them about the boyband. When Luanne pulled her backpack from the car she barely missed whacking Josh's skull causing him to duck. As she tilted her head back laughing he pulled her close suddenly pressing his lips to hers. It was sudden and out of impulse but something about her laugh made him have to kiss her. Luanne leaned into him feeling the warmth radiating from him spread throughout her body. 

"I can nearly decapitate you more often darlin." Luanne whispered pressing her forehead against Josh's. 

"I'll take it." He replied quietly smelling the scent of her shampoo fill his senses. 

As Mickey watched Jake and Danny pull her bags from the trunk Emmie and Luanne made their way toward the girl standing with her arms over her chest. She was quite annoyed to ride with the boys at first. For one she barely knew them. Secondly, Jake watched her so closely sometimes that it made her uncomfortable. Jake lugged another of her bag over her shoulder to the ground. 

"You really do pack a shit ton don't you?" Emmie asked their new friend. 

"Can never be too prepared babe. Luanne you better be getting good angles of me." Mickey pointedly turned to the auburn haired girl grinning behind the camera. 

"There are no bad angles of you honey." Luanne zoomed in the camera picking up on Mickey's grin at the compliment. 

The guys had set up tents this time due to the number of people and the girls sat and watched making sure to take pictures of the frustrated men. Emmie hadn't told anyone but her phone storage was nearly full with how many pictures she had of Sammy at this point. Practically every chance she got to take a picture of him she had. Mickey held her phone to the sky attempting to get service swearing every second. 

Luanne took pictures of Josh but she was proud about it. He loved every minute of it. She would call out his name to smile and he would flash a cheeky grin or wink in her direction. He typically smiled for any picture he was in but with her it was a genuine smile. Her hazel eyes filled his view and he couldn't help his lips curling upwards. 

"What should we do for dinner?" Danny called amongst the group dragging everyone's attention toward him. 

"Anything that Sam isn't making!" Josh cried out. 

Luanne already began looking through the supplies they picked up before Danny mentioned it. Everyone was startled when Mickey nearly screamed. 

"There's no outlets! I thought this was glamping!" Mickey's voice echoed straight to Jake who began looking around the campsite. 

"I'm sorry? What the actual fuck is glamping?" Sam asked making Emmie hide her giggling. 

"I have no outlet. Meaning I cannot use my blow dryer. I thought we would at least be near civilization. I looked it up and we are 30 miles from the nearest town! I was going to get my nails filled while we were on our little adventure." Mickey's voice grew higher pitched as she spoke. 

Jake listened as she spoke. Every one around seemed to be laughing at the girl. He couldn't help but feel bad. Mickey looked genuinely concerned. The minute he saw her in the lobby he was done. Anything she asked for he would find a way to obtain it. Only a fool would offer to drive 30 miles. Jake Kiszka was that fool. 

"I can drive you!" Jake damn near screamed at her. 

Luanne and Josh flicked their heads toward Jake whose cheeks were red. Gazing between him and Mickey, Luanne couldn't help the excitement building in her chest. She knew Jake had it in him. It would take a while to get Mickey to like him but he had 13 days that seemed like enough time. It only took his twin 2 days. 

"Really? I mean, it isn't that important. I can wait." Mickey kept her head down as she spoke and no one knew what to say to ease the tension. 

"Really? Is no one going to tell me what the fuck glamping is?" Sam asked again making the awkward air disappear at once while Luanne began to cook. 

Fandango [Josh Kiszka] Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now