18. Two Babysitters

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Author's POV:

Once upon a day, the university classes were over at 11am because of some fire accident happened nearby their university building. So Hwayi came to their dorm with happy mood because he will have to spend his time with his sketches.

But his happiness was shattered after he entered into the dorm because Yeonjun was there with his baby niece. And he rushes to Hwayi and handover his niece to him.

Yeonjun: Yah!! I have date with my girlfriend and I will give salary to you for taking care of my baby boo. Okay.

Hwayi: Yah... Wait....

Yeonjun: I didn't have time...!!! I'm already in hurry okay bye!!!!!!!
(He sprinted out of the dorm).

Hwayi: What is happening here????

He saw the baby was sleeping and he gets an idea to draw the baby. He thought it will be beautiful. Then he saw a bag which is full of baby products and he kept aside and started to work with his sketch with an infant model.

Few hours later, Hwayi finished his sketch beautifully and he saw the baby in the crib closely. He was in awe to touch the baby but his hand was dirty with sweat and pencil carbon. So he went to wash his hands and after that he touched the baby cheeks.

After some moments, he is doing his house hold works and then he hears the baby cries. He went to check the baby, he clumsily holds the baby and saw the diaper was clean and then he gave milk to the baby with feeding bottle but she wasn't drinking and he doesn't know about the baby's gender. So he thought that she is a boy.

Hwayi: Calm down boy..... Calm down baby.... Uncle will come soon eh..... Lalililo lalailio..... Ululululaaayi........

He tried to sing a song but his deep ocean voice scare the baby and cries out loudly. After that Hwayi puts the baby on the crib and started to cry because he don't know how to handle a baby and in his life he never handled a baby and also never had a sibling but the bitter truth is he was kidnapped and raised by five criminals.

Taehyung's POV:

I'm coming from the university because the fire breaks out but before I go to dorm I went to my part time work because of the study work, dorm facilities was paid by university but I need to do this for my personal needs like dress and some savings.

I heard someone is crying.... Sorry Sometwo. I entered into the dorm and saw that the weirdo was crying with a baby. I went near to check them.

Taehyung: Yah Weirdo! Why you are crying with the baby????

Hwayi: Aaaahhhh!!!! I don't know what to do???? (He cries).

Taehyung sighs dramatically and checked the baby and he finds out that she was having constipation.

Taehyung: Weirdo.... Bring the baby's bag.

Hwayi obeys him and brings the bag.
He checks the bag and takes out the Woodwards gripe water and feeds to the baby. After few minutes, baby calms down and smiled at them. They felt elated especially Hwayi. Then he enquires about where the baby came from.

Taehyung: Where is this baby come from???

Hwayi: Hmm.... Mom's stomach.

Taehyung: (Are you serious bro???? Face) Yaaaaahhhh!!!! I asked about where this baby come from???!!!! You damn *****!!!!!

Hwayi: Yeonjun gave me.

Taehyung: I never thought you two had a baby!!!! (With a dramatic shock tone).

Hwayi: Yah???!!! Not like that actually he was the baby sitter but he handovers the baby to me and gone to date his girlfriend.

Taehyung: This Choi Yeonjun *****!!!!!


Yeonjun: Achooo!!!!!!!

Few hours later, Hwayi and Taehyung went to the park for some fresh air with the baby was in the stroller. And they talk with heart to heart when Hwayi saw an insect trying to crawl near the baby and takes the insect and crush it with his hand.

It irked Taehyung because when Hwayi crushes the insect his face expression is changed.

Taehyung: Why you crush the insect??? You can throw it aside na????

Hwayi: Insects are irritating.

Taehyung: Hmm.... Ohhh!!!! Hey look at there.

Both Babysitters saw an old lady who fall down. They helps her by stand her up and Taehyung carries the bag. Hwayi calls for taxi because the lady want to go to her home but she accidentally falls down. After the lady enters into the taxi, she blessed them.

Old lady: Thankyou children. I hope you two live together forever and have many babies not only this little bean uh.

Both: Uhh..... Mmmn.... Thank you.

After the old lady gone, they stare each other and their surroundings. And then they walked inside the park, Taehyung saw an ice cream van asked Hwayi to buy the ice cream for them. He went to buy the ice cream and Taehyung and baby were sat by nearest chair.

Hwayi: Excuse me ice cream please. A chocolate and butter scotch flavoured.

Seller: Okay sir.

Stranger 1: Look at them!!! How this husband is caring for his wife and baby.

Stranger 2: Yeah!!! I adore them. I want to have a baby like them!!!!

Stranger 1: First we want to marry and then we will have many babies. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

After hearing this conversation Hwayi's face gone blank and the ice cream seller interupted.

Seller: Ugh..... Sir your order is ready.

Hwayi: Thank you.

Seller: Have a nice day with your family sir!!!!

Hwayi felt embarrassed because of everyone around the park misunderstood them being a married couple with new born baby. Nearby their surroundings someone is following and taking some photos of them.

Hwayi: Yah!!! First eat this icecream and we will go to home V without waste the time.

Taehyung: What happened Weirdo????

Hwayi: Afterwards.....

The night came, Yeonjun is back from his date and opened Hwayi and Taehyung's room door and saw three of them sleeping soundlessly. Yeonjun adored them and hoped, Hwayi and Taehyung will become a nice understanding, sweet married couple soon.


Someone showing some photos to Jisung and informs something.

????: Sir. It's looks like they are lovers and had a baby. What we are going to do now????

Jisung: Wait for a while. Day after tomorrow at my birthday party I will arrange to meet them personally.

????: Okay sir.

Jisung stares the photos which Hwayi and Taehyung were together with baby and says something.

Jisung: I had never thought you are in the living together relationship Jeon Taehyung.

Author's note:

This is the longest chapter I have written in the fanfiction of all of my works.

To be continued 💜💜💜💜💜

Sarangeyo 💜💜💜💜💜.

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