Chapter 20 - It's not like she's Voldemort

Start from the beginning

What was I thinking? I should have told her a lie, like I was waiting for a date or something so she would leave, but no, I decided to invite her to my own space, have snacks and even I will admit that it was romantic as fuck.

We had a moment, I'm sure of it. I could feel it and even in the dark, I could see her blush. And she never looked prettier than that day.

Then again, she was back to Dylan and I was left confused as fuck.

After that, I started to think about it from a logical perspective and it doesn't make sense, so if you ask me now if I think she was interested in me that day, I'll say no.

It's the opposite to spending time with Kate. Stargazing with Kate was romantic, I'll give us that, but it still didn't feel the same. I like Kate, I really do and we have so much in common that not dating her is insane. However, I can't completely give myself to her.

Not yet.

When Kate is back on my mind, and feeling conscious that I'm thinking about another girl, I take a step back to put some distance between us.

She's still smiling at me and the look on her face is pure adoration. I want to be looked at like this and I want to fall in love with Kate. I really do.

"Oh, am I interrupting something?" Don enters the kitchen the moment she's about to kiss me again and I see the smirk on his face. "I just came to get another pizza.''

I nod and Kate giggles. We're having a board game's night at Don's house. I'm grateful that the person I bonded the most at camp lives in the region. It would suck to have a best friend and a potential girlfriend living far away, so yeah, I'm glad they live in NY state.

"I'll take it." Kate takes the pizza box from the counter and makes her way to the living room, while Don looks at me intently. She gives me a soft kiss on the cheek before she's out of sight and he raises an eyebrow, amused with our exchange.

"Are you ok?" He asks the moment she's out the door.

I wonder if I look this bad. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm ok. Don't I look ok? I mean, I'm fine. I guess...

"Yep." I say and turn around to get some cutlery. He knows me too well by now, so if he sees my face, he might realize I'm lying. But again, I'm not sure I am. I do feel fine...

"So, I see you and Kate are doing well. How are things with... you know?"

"You can say her name, Don." I smirk. "It's not like she's Voldemort."

"Shh, don't say his name." He whispers as if something bad is bound to happen. Don is a huge Harry Potter fan, so we never lose a chance to mock him, even if I find it pretty cool. "I'm just worried about you."

"Alex is still the same. She's dating Dylan." I say getting a couple of popcorns and throwing them inside my mouth.

"She's what? I thought he wasn't into her." He puts his hand to his chin. Don knows more than he should, but I'll admit it's good having someone to talk to.

"I guess he is now." He eyes me with curiosity, as if wondering if I might have a breakdown or something. "It's ok. It's not like I was expecting her to change her mind about him. I just didn't expect them to date.''

''So are you and Kate like, dating?" He asks, clearly unsure.

"No. I'm not ready for it. I like her, you know that, but I don't think I can date her just yet. It wouldn't be fair to her. Also, I already feel like I'm not being fair to her now, imagine if we actually date.''

"She knows you like Alex, so I don't think you're leading her on. It's her choice. She's being patient and wanting to win your heart."

"Win my heart?" I smirk and he rolls his eyes.

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