Volume 02 Chapter 33

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Gun will be having most of the POVs here, anyway....enjoy!

Gun's POV

    I woke up in my warm bed, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. The warm rays of the sun peaks through the curtains, For some reason, My head is aching again. It's been a while and I have to tell my brother.

    I decided to get out of bed, of course, I arranged my bed before heading to the bathroom inside my room and did most of my morning routine. After that, I decided to head downstairs and eat breakfast. I really hope P'Gayle's the one who will cook breakfast, even though I'm still mad at him for not buying the chocolate bars.

    Heading down the stairs, I met Julia on the way. She's the daughter of one of Gayle's bodyguard, she's really nice and friendly—actually, too friendly.

   "Oh! Hello, sir Gun" She greeted with a bow.

   I shyly nodded and continued my way downstairs. I know that girl likes my brother and I sometimes see her glaring at me with hate in her eyes whenever I'm spending my time with Gayle. But, of course, I don't care since my brother will be there.

   I miss P'Off

  I stopped my track, I heard another voice inside my head. I don't know why but, for some reason, I've been eager to see this person named 'P'Off' and Papii. I feel like it's the same person but, whenever I try to remember, my head aches.

   As I was about to walk, I heard it again...but this time, it's a different voice...

  "I'll protect you, babii. And if ever I didn't manage to, I'll do anything to find you. I love you, my baby"

   My head suddenly rang, I placed both of my hands to cover my ears and closed my eyes, hoping for the ringing to stop. Then I felt arms wrapped around me, I opened my eyes and saw my brother hugging me. He's releasing comforting pheromones, it's working a bit and the ringing slowly vanished.

  "Are you okay, Gun?" Gayle asked with a soft tone. I nodded but didn't say anything. "Okay, let's eat now, hm?"

   Brother held my hand as we both walked towards the counter table where most of the breakfast are already plated. I sat on one of the stools while Gayle went towards the stove. I served myself some pancake with bacon and juice. I also got avocado and banana.

    "Isn't that too much for a breakfast?" Gayle spoke. I stopped eating the pancake and glared at him. He raised both of hsi hands as surrender with a annoying smirk on his face. "Sorry, you're still a growing boy so eat all you want" he said before sitting on the chair at my left side and serving his own.

    "Where's Dad?" I asked before drinking my glass of juice.

    "He's out today, he will be back before lunch" He said before eating the toasted bread with avocado. The once full toasted bread is now in half with just one bit from my brother, watching him eat like a gorilla is already enough for me to feel like vomiting. "Anyway, baby bro"

  "Hm?" Why are my brother's pancake taste so good??? Hmmm~

    This is the reason why I want him to always cook breakfast, his mixture of pancakes is so delicious! He doesn't like using those already-made-mixture for pancakes. He hates it.

    "We need to pick an outfit for you, we can go to the mall if you don't like the ones you already have inside your closet"

   I looked at my brother confused. "Why? Is Dad taking us on another trip?"

    Oh! I remember, there was this time when I woke up and I couldn't remember anything. Though, I saw Gayle and Dad at that time and was very confused on who they are, they explained everything to me and and helped me remember things again. But, deep inside me, I feel like I'm still forgetting something. Something more important....

    Gayle shook his head, grabbing the bread knife to slice the avocado. "We will be attending a party hosted by one of Dad's investors. They allowed family members to come since it sill be more like a meet and greet"

   "Really? I'm allowed to go to a party now?" I asked looking at him curiously.

   "Yep, but we need you to stay close to me and Dad." He said and I nodded "Also, I think Dad will be introducing you to someone"



    Brother looked at me sideways and smiled. "Don't worry, you'll remember him once you see him. Me and Dad will be there with you throughout the whole party and only the Higher ranks are allowed inside, so I think it'll be safe if you want to look around by yourself. Just bring two guards with you"

   I shook my head and grabbed a spoon, pointing it at him. "No! I'm still.... I'm still mot sure about meeting other people since I still don't remember some things, please don't leave me alone there" I pleaded and gave him my best baby eyes

    Gayle's eyes squinted at me and his lips in thin line. Later on he sighed and nodded "Fine, but once Dad called you, you need to go with him. Understood?" He said looking at me straight

   I nodded. We continue eating our food. After finishing our food, we decided to wait for dad while watching the new Marvel movie. I really love Scarlet witch! She's so strong!!! And she's so brave. I've been wanting to go outside, so when Brother mentioned about us going to a party, I was so excited!! But, it also gives me anxiety since I don't feel like meeting people then suddenly remembering them.

    Wait! Maybe that's it! Maybe Dad wants me to go with them to help me remember things, maybe some people in that party is someone I know before. The feeling of excitement and anxiety are all mixed up inside me, and I also wanted to buy new clothes. I'm planning on just donating most of the clothes I have, they're just Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Tom Ford, Kiton, Stefano Ricci, Brioni and Cesare Attolini.

   "I'm home!!" We heard Dad shout, me and Gayle run towards the door and greeted him.

   "Dad, Gun's planning on buying new clothes before the party. Can we go?" My brother immediately asks, while I hug my dad and kept my arms wrapped around my Dad's torso as they talk.

   "Really?" Dad ask looking down at me and I nodded "Okay, you already have a credit card so use that. Leave now since Gun will surely take hours for just picking clothes"

   "Okay!" Brother said. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from Dad

   We run upstairs and went inside our own rooms. I took a bath and changed into a much comfortable but fashionable clothes I have, I better inform Brother about me giving up some of my clothes. My reason? My closet's going to explode any minute now.


    Gayle's POV

   He's going to drain my bank account and credit card! I just know it! I'll have to take Gun's card as well, I don't want to lose money yet.

   Hoooo.... I just wish it will not cost more then a hundred thousand baht.


Updated:  April 13, 2022
Next Update: May 27, 2022

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