Chapter 27

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 Off's POV

    Four days since I left Gun at my sister's care and he's been having a great time. I'm also making sure to call him from time to time or whenever I have time. I came here for business and also regarding the organization, I'm bored and wanted some cuddles from my boyfriend. We're having a call right now and let's just say that I'm really happy to hear his voice, all sounding excited and joyful.

     ["And then, Fang threw a mud on Ran's face! Jane was so mad that she made them sleep on separate rooms"] My boyfriend said sounding very happy.

   "Really? I'm surprised that Jane didn't burst out of anger" I said as I type on my laptop. I needed to finish this report before going to sleep.

     ["Oh she did!"] He exclaimed ["But she was calm when scolding Ran and Fang, but I can feel her aura like an angry bear! It was really scary"]

    I chuckled "That's my sister for you. Anyway, why are you still up? It's already late, you should be in bed by now"

   I heard him sigh ["I-....I just miss you, that's all"] his tone changed from happy to sad.

 I frown and stopped typing, I held my phone up to my ear and turned my swivel chair to face a large window "Babii, I miss you too. You don't know how much I want to go back there and just cuddle with you, just a little bit more then I'll be there before you know it"

 ["Okay...I'll wait for you"]

 I smiled. We said goodnight to each other before ending the call, I went back to my work. I'm trying my best to not just ditch work and go to Gun's arms, but Tay and my Dad would probably kill me if I ever do that. After an hour, I finally finished it. I stretched my arms and stood up. I closed my laptop and went to my closet to pick a night time clothes, more likely just a pair of boxer and white t-shirt.

   Once done with my night shower, I threw myself on my bed, sprawled like a starfish. I was having a great sleep because of working all day and night, when all of the sudden I heard a loud bang and crash. Out of reflex, I moved out of the bed fast, rolling out of bed till I fall on the side and immediately got the gun. I sat on my knee and pointed the gun towards the door, I was surprised to see Tay at the door, all sweating and he looks really tired.

   "Tay? what's wrong?" I asked as I stood up, placing the gun on the nightstand

 "J-Jane's penthouse....was bombed"

   My world stopped. It's like my whole body shuts down on its own, my mind went blank and was feeling a lot of emotions. My body moved on its own and went out of the room. Tay followed me, my mind tells me to go to the meeting room. Once I got there, I saw Mew, Krist and Singto already looking at the huge TV Screen we have. They moved out of the way, I saw it. The building was on fire, base on the source of the fire, its in Jane's floor. There were sirens and ambulance getting people out of the penthouse, It's on the news.

  "How....?" I asked and looked at Tay for explanations "How did this happened?"

 "The guards that was on stand by around the penthouse was found killed, there were shots of poison throughout their system. We're still trying to find the-"

 "Stop trying and find it immediately. RIGTH NOW" My tone became a dominant one, my dominant pheromones covered the room. The only ones that are not affected are Mew and Singto, Krist will not be affected much since he is already mated. But Tay, he's just a normal class alpha.

  "Yes, sir" He bowed his head and left in a hurry.

 "We'll help you" Mew said. I just turned around wanting to change to normal clothing 

As The Sun Sets, The Moon will Shine || A OffGun AU✓Where stories live. Discover now