Chapter 38

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Delilah hummed along to the radio as she waited at the airport.

The back door opened, startling her.

Devin laughed as he said, "Hi."

"Hi yourself," she replied. "How was the flight?"

Jemma let out a long sigh. "Stressful. Sonia was fine. But Ana... That was another story. How are you?"

"I'm good. Tired, but a new baby will do that."

Sonia grinned. "Do I get to meet Gabe?"

"You absolutely do. Katia is getting more active, so I'm sure she'd love to play with you. But you'll have to be careful around her. She's still little."

"But can she run and talk?"

"She can run a little. She's not talking a lot, but she can say some words."

"Maybe we can do a tea party."

A light smile crossed Delilah's lips. "I'm not sure how well a tea party would go with an almost two-year-old."

"I'll teach her how it's supposed to go. I'm hungry."

"We'll get food when we get to my place. Sebastian has somewhere to be, so I need to get back to watch the kids."

"Okay. Can you put on the Tangled music?"

Delilah nodded and pressed the CD button on her dashboard. I've Got a Dream started playing and Sonia began singing along as she moved her sister's hand back and forth in rhythm.

When they got home, Devin and Jemma got the suitcases and bags out while Delilah unbuckled her niece and picked her up.

Liliana cooed and Delilah smiled as she walked inside, followed by her older niece, brother and sister-in-law.

She heard Sebastian say, "There's Mama."

Little feet ran up to her and she handed Liliana to Jemma before picking her daughter up.

Katia smiled and kissed her mother's cheek before resting her head on Delilah's shoulder and put her thumb in her mouth.

Sebastian picked up a bag and kissed his wife. "I'll see you soon." He waved to Delilah's family. "See you later."

"Bye, Uncle Sebby," Sonia said. "Have fun with your thing."

Sebastian smiled. "Thanks, Sonia."

He left and Delilah set Katia down before going into the kitchen to make lunch.

"Is grilled cheese and tomato soup okay?" Delilah asked.

Jemma nodded. "Grilled cheese sounds great. Has Gabe eaten?"

"Earlier, but it's nearing time to feed him again."

"If you need to step away, I can take over making lunch."

"Thanks, Jem."

While Jemma got Liliana ready to eat, Delilah made lunch and Devin played with the kids.

Sonia and Katia playfully wrestled with him and he fought back in a gentle manner.

When lunch was ready, they sat around the table. Gabriel had been fed while lunch was being made.

As Sonia ate, she said, "This is the best grilled cheese ever!"

Delilah laughed. "Thank you. But I assure you it's just cheese, butter and bread."

"It's still really super good."

Katia smiled before saying, "Goo, Mama."

Delilah stroked her daughter's cheek. "Thank you, Kati."

When they finished, which took longer for the kids, Devin cleared the dishes while the little ones were set down for a nap. Sonia was the only one up and she pulled out a Magic Tree House book and began reading.

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