Chapter 15

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[Shorter chapter this week. Enjoy!]

As Delilah slipped on her heels, she said, "I swear if anyone asks a stupid question, I'm gonna punch someone."

Sebastian laughed softly. "In your head, right?"

"Well of course. Outwardly I'll just silently judge them."

"You and me both, sweetheart." He glanced at the babysitter. "Don't hesitate to let us know if there's something wrong."

She nodded. "I won't, but I think she'll be okay."

Delilah kissed her daughter's forehead. "See you soon, darling."

As she and Sebastian left, she glanced back and Sebastian said, "She's in good hands."

Delilah nodded slowly. "I know. It's just... This is the first time I've been away from her for a long period of time. She's only a couple months."

"The babysitter will let us know if anything goes wrong. Come on. We don't want to be late."

They left and made their way to where their interviews would be held.

Anthony walked up and grinned before saying, "Well if it isn't this year's hottest couple."

"This year's?" Delilah teased.

"This year's and every year." He glanced around and lowered his voice. "How's the new baby? Have you told people about her?"

Sebastian smiled. "She's good. We're keeping it quiet for the time being. Del and I don't want her to be all over the internet."

"That's understandable. I said it before, but I'll say it again. Congrats, you two."

"Thanks," Delilah and Sebastian replied.

Delilah pulled out her phone and looked at a picture of Katia and sighed. "I already miss her, Seb."

He nodded and kissed the top of her head. "We'll get back to her soon, Del. She's in good care."

"I hope so."

Sebastian turned her so she was facing him. "Try to enjoy tonight, okay? I know you're concerned about her, Delilah. I am too, but if I think about her too much, I'll panic and lose my shit."

"You and me both. I can't stop worrying about her, though."

Sebastian nodded. "Then think about our amazing fans and how fucking awesome this will be."

Delilah laughed softly. "You're right. It will be fucking awesome." She pocketed her phone and took his hand.

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