Chapter 35

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Delilah faintly heard a phone ringing, but she ignored it. Sleep was more important in her mind.

"What?" Sebastian said. "Thanks, Dev. I'll let her know."

He gently shook his wife who groaned and mumbled, "Lemme sleep."

"Del, wake up. It's your father."

Delilah's eyes opened and she sat up. "What about him?"

"He had a stroke. He's stable right now, but they're worried he could have another."

Delilah brought a pillow up to her face and screamed. Katia, seeing her mother's actions, did the same.

She threw back the covers and muttered, "Fucking Marvel movies. First Civil War and now this one. My goddamn family can't handle this!"

"Hey, let's take this one day at a time, okay?"

Delilah shot him a dirty look as she grabbed the clothes she'd set out and went into the bathroom.

"Del, don't do this."

"Don't do what?" she yelled.

"Don't get pissed at me for trying to comfort you. Stress is especially bad for you right now."

"Sebastian, just stop, okay? Please. I don't want to be comforted right now."

Sebastian let out a sigh, knowing there was no reasoning with her in the current mood she was in. "Okay. I'm here if you need me."

A small gasp escaped Delilah's lips and the door opened. She wrapped her arms around Sebastian's neck and the two stood there in a silent embrace for what felt like forever.

Delilah suddenly pulled back and a small smile crossed her lips. "Making yourself known, little one?"

"Did Baby kick you?" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah. I can't wait until you and Kati can feel. It's such a weird feeling, but exhilarating. Thank you, by the way."

"You needed it. And God knows I can't force anything. That'll only end poorly for me."

Delilah patted his cheek. "Yes it will, my dear."

"Num-num," Katia demanded.

Sebastian kissed Delilah's temple. "I'll get her something."

"Seb, I can-" Delilah was cut off.

"Del, you just got some shitty news. Take some time and I'll fix us food."

Delilah sighed as she sat on the bed.

Katia climbed up and cuddled into her mother. "Otay, Mama." She placed a hand on her mother's baby bump. "Wuv you."

Delilah glanced up at her husband. "She gets her sweetness from you."

Sebastian brought over breakfast and set plates down before ruffling Katia's hair. "You're gonna kill me, kid. OJ for you, Del."

A small laugh escaped Delilah's lips as she opened the yogurt Sebastian had brought over.

Katia ate her banana and smiled sweetly before grabbing her touch-and-feel animal book. She turned to a specific page and began petting the cat with a smile. "Meow-meow."

Sebastian sat next to her. "That's right, Katia. What does the meow-meow say?"

Katia continued petting the cat as she said, "Meow. Wohi meow."

"Uh, Del? Do you understand?"

Delilah nodded. "I think so. Kati, are you talking about Loki? Mama and Dada's kitty?"

Katia looked up at her mother and nodded. "Wohi meow."

"Loki does meow. That's right."

Katia moved onto her father's lap and continued looking at the pictures her book.

Sebastian asked, "Want me to read it to you?"

"No," Katia replied.

"Okay, you can read. If you change your mind, let me know."

Delilah smiled as she moved to the floor and sat in front of her husband and daughter. "Simplicity like this makes shitty phone calls better."

Sebastian touched her cheek and rubbed his thumb up and down. "I'm sure they do. How are you?"

"I'm all right. Breakfast and Katia have helped. And you, of course. I don't deserve you."

"Yes you do, Del. We're deserving of each other, of Kati, and of Baby."

"God, you sound like a Hallmark card."

"Good." He kissed her forehead and sighed. "I'm sorry about your father."

"Thanks. I just hope he'll be on his feet again soon. I'd love for him to live to see Baby."

"I would too. Let's hope he can."

She raised her glass of orange juice. "Here's to hoping."

Katia lifted her sippy cup and tapped her mother's cup and smiled before drinking her milk.

The family sat there together, the parents watching as their daughter pet animals and made animal sounds; some right, some close, some wrong.

Personal Soldierजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें