Chapter 16

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While on the press tour for Captain America: Civil War, Sebastian and Delilah were in an office, readying to watch the movie for the first time.

Delilah glanced at one of the employees and said, "The candy bowl has the option to be refilled, right?"

The employee nodded. "Yes."


Sebastian, who was holding Katia, glanced at his wife and asked, "What does that mean?"

"You know exactly what it means."

He frowned. "You don't have to call me out."

"I did no such thing. I merely asked a question."

The employee had a faint smile before saying, "If you're both ready, we can get it started."

Sebastian and Delilah nodded. Knowing how he got, Delilah took Katia and held her against her shoulder.

She turned to her husband and said, "Her first movie. One her parents so happen to be in."

"And a Marvel one nonetheless," Sebastian added, gently moving Katia's hand back and forth.

The movie began and Sebastian instantly began eating the bowl of candy while Delilah resorted to occasional bites of popcorn.

The two sat on the edge of their seat for practically the entire movie.

When the title card showed Bucharest, Katia let out a gurgle and smiled, seeing her parents on the screen.

Delilah shuddered. "Horrible height memories from that day."

Sebastian tucked her hair back. "But you did it despite your fear. You're incredibly brave, even if you're terrified, and that's one of the many things I love about you."

Her face flushed and she smiled. "I appreciate that, but I also want to watch the movie."

On the screen, Bucky, Steve and Gail were fighting the GS-9 Soldiers.

When Black Panther appeared, Katia let out a small squeal, causing her parents to laugh.

Bucky and Gail leapt off the building and ran along the road. Soon came the scene where Bucky straddled the motorcycle.

Delilah breathed in and whispered, "Holy shit."

Sebastian laughed as he said, "It looks even cooler post-production."

"No kidding."

As they watched Zemo trigger Bucky, Delilah frowned. "I hated him for that. Remember the door you broke and your adorable sorry?"

"Yeah I do. You and Chocolacino found it hilarious."

"Evans too. That's because it was hilarious! You and your clumsiness never ceases to amuse me."

"Gee, thanks."

"All in love, darling."

Bucky attacked the Avengers and various people around.

Sebastian winced as he watched himself attack Delilah's character. "I hated having to do that." He glanced at Katia. "Shortly after that scene, we found out we were going to have you."

Katia gurgled as she stared at the scene where Steve, Sam and Gail were confronting Bucky. She squealed again, seeing her parents and stared at the shiny titanium arm Bucky had.

Delilah laughed softly as she shifted slightly, making sure to be careful of Katia.

The airport scene soon started and Delilah watched as she reached for the bowl of candy, only to find it empty.

She pouted. "You couldn't share at least a little?"

Sebastian glanced at her. "Sorry, printesa. We can always get more."

"Yes, go ahead."

"Why me?"

"Because you finished it and I'm holding our daughter."

He sighed and got the candy refilled. Delilah instantly took some before he could finish it again. She knew he very likely could finish another bowl, and she wasn't about to take any chances of not getting any.

The final fight soon occurred and Delilah winced. "I hated that scene as well."

Sebastian nodded. "Understandable."

""I remember all of them." Oh god. That breaks my heart."

"Well, Bucky's entire story arc breaks your heart."

"You- you're not wrong."

They watched as Tony read Steve's letter and Delilah frowned. "A letter of apology was a nice gesture, but a face-to-face apology is much better."

"I agree," Sebastian said.

In Wakanda, Bucky went into cryo and Delilah sighed. "I love that he made a choice for the first time in a long time, but that was still painful to see."

When the final credits rolled, Sebastian asked, "What'd you think?"

Delilah grinned. "That was amazing! The political aspect of it was interesting. Two different sides of the same coin, which I've always enjoyed about Steve and Tony. And I always enjoy seeing Bucky. I could go on and on. What'd you think?"

"I think you expressed it quite nicely. Although, I enjoyed watching you on the big screen for the first time. You kicked some ass, Del. I'm proud of you." He kissed her softly.

Delilah leaned closer to him and glanced at Katia. "She's asleep. I'm not sure when that happened."

"Neither am I. Did you want to stay here a little longer or should we go?"

"I don't have anywhere pressing to be."

"Neither do I. How 'bout we stay here a little while since Kati fell asleep."

"Works for me." She slowly moved closer to Sebastian, careful not to wake their daughter, and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

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