Chapter 11

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Delilah would have loved to stay with her family longer, but her job was calling. As ashamed as she was to say it, she was also relieved to be returning to where she and Sebastian resided.

Devin drove them to the airport and bid them goodbye.

The couple went through security and sat in the waiting area for their flight.

Delilah frowned. "We've got a problem."

Sebastian, instantly on alert, asked, "What?"

"I don't have a dress for the screening."

He laughed softly. "We'll find you one. You scared me, Del."

"Oh, sorry. I just realized. I mean, I have dresses, just not one that's appropriate."

"What about dresses you've used for past award shows?"

"Please tell me you're kidding."

"Del, those dresses are-"

"Worn before. The Internet is a cruel, cruel place. I'm thinking black. I think you're wearing black, right?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Perfect. Then we can match!" She glanced at her phone and smiled. "Sonia wants Baby named after her."

A teasing smile tugged on Sebastian's lips. "That's not happening. If we're having a girl, I think I know what her middle name should be. If you want her to have one."

Delilah tilted her head. "What are you thinking?"

"Liliana. After your mother."

"Are you- Are you sure?"

He nodded. "I'm sure. It fits with the name you want for her and honoring your mother with a new life is the least we can do for her."

"Have I told you how much I love you?"

"Only a few thousand times, give or take."

"Let's make it a thousand and one." She kissed him and smiled. "Thank you."

He ran a hand through her hair, resting it around her shoulders.

Delilah placed a hand on the hand around her shoulders and smiled at her husband. She rested her head on his shoulder and said, "I can't wait until Baby is here."

"Me neither. Del, I know you don't like me asking, but how are you?"

Delilah was silent for a moment. "I'm okay. Really. Going to see our movie may be helping, but I'm okay. I did set up an appointment though, just to be sure."


"A therapy appointment. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I just had to clarify that."

He smiled. "It's okay. I'm proud of you, Delilah. I think it'll help a lot."

"I think so too. Or at least I'm hoping so. My mom's passing took a lot out of me."

"I know it did. Are you attending yourself or do you want me to join?"

"Uh, for now alone, but if I send you a message-"

"I'll be there."

"You're the best."

He grinned cheekily. "I know."

Their flight was eventually called and they soon began boarding.

When they sat in their seats, Delilah yawned.

Sebastian chuckled softly as he said, "I've always loved how tired you get the moment you step onto a plane."

Delilah shrugged. "The lull of the engines, silent and loud, is like a lullaby. That's weird."

"A little, yeah. But if it helps you sleep, that's all the better. Oh, if the drink cart comes around-"

"Ginger-ale. I know."

She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder once again.

Soon, the plane took off. Delilah was soundly asleep and Sebastian lowered the window shade, just in case it was disturbing her, but it didn't seem to be.

When the drink cart came around, Sebastian got a ginger-ale for Delilah and a Coke for himself.

Delilah shifted slightly, still fast asleep.

Sebastian rested his head on hers as he gently took her hand while using the other to find a movie to watch.

He soon found one and settled back as much as he could and watched, Delilah still asleep on his shoulder, his hand still holding hers.

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