Chapter 14

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[Technically of a character he plays, but it works and I love it]

Eight weeks later

Katia's vitals were checked over and she was weighed.

Delilah and Sebastian waited anxiously to see if they could take her home.

After a few long moments, the doctor turned to them and said, "She's grown enough that she should be okay at home. If you notice anything that might be cause for concern, bring her in. But as far as we can tell, Katia is looking to be a healthy baby girl."

Katia was placed in Delilah's arms and she smiled at her baby. She handed the baby to Sebastian who made sure to support his daughter's head as he held her.

Sebastian gently pulled Delilah closer before smiling at his little girl.

They left the hospital and Sebastian placed Katia in the car seat while Delilah climbed into the passenger's seat. He buckled their daughter in, making sure everything was secure.

Delilah glanced back at their sleeping daughter and said, "I don't think I've ever seen anything more perfect."

"I have," Sebastian stated, looking between his wife and daughter.

Delilah rested her head on the headrest and closed her eyes.

When they got home, Delilah was still asleep. He shook her gently and said, "We're home, sweetheart."

Delilah blinked a few times and nodded.

Sebastian got out and opened the back door. He unbuckled a still sleeping Katia. However, at the maneuvering, she woke and began crying.

He rocked her slowly and said, "It's okay, cel mic. We're home now."

(Little one (Romanian))

Katia's cries turned to whines. He handed her to Delilah and grabbed the bags from the trunk.

They entered their home and Delilah sat on the couch as she held a still whining Katia.

"You hungry?" Sebastian asked.

Delilah shook her head. "No, I'm okay for the time being. Thanks, though." She rocked Katia slowly. "It's all right, little princess."

Katia let out a tiny sigh and fell asleep in her mother's arms. Sebastian sat next to Delilah and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She rested her head on his shoulder with a smile as he gently stroked her upper arm.

Loki made his appearance and jumped onto the couch. He sniffed Katia and meowed.

Delilah smiled while Sebastian laughed softly.

As Sebastian pet the cat, he asked in a teasing manner, "Are you jealous of the baby?"

Loki meowed again, as if giving his confirmation.

Delilah lifted her head up and said, "Do you think we'll get to do another Marvel movie?"

"I'm pretty certain we will."

"Ooh; it'd be cool to be in an Avengers movie."

"It certainly would be. I'm curious to see what they'll do for Gail and Bucky."

"As am I. It'd be wonderful if they had a child."

"You want to have our eight-week-old daughter in a movie like that?"

"I never said that, but yes. Maybe when she's a little older. Wouldn't it be adorable to see?"

He smiled as he ran a hand through her hair. "It would be. You hungry?"


"What are you in the mood for?"

"I honestly don't care. I just want food. Popcorn or eggs or whatever. Just food."

"You're very helpful, Del."

"Thanks. I try my best."

Katia opened her eyes and looked around, letting out a whine. Delilah stood and began bouncing her gently.

Sebastian stood and stroked Katia's head softly before making his way to the kitchen. "Breakfast for dinner again?"

"You know I'm always up for that. You want any help?"

"No, I'm all right. You take care of Kati."

Delilah smiled and said sweetly to the baby, "You hear that, little one? Daddy already has a nickname for you."

"Just slipped out."

"I love it."

"I suppose I'll have to stick with it then."

"I suppose you will."

He smiled at Delilah and Katia before turning back to the stove, a smile still on his face.

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