Chapter 4

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Sebastian and Delilah had finished up their scenes for Civil War and were doing a press tour to promote Civil War.

As the two walked to their designated location, a fan walked up and asked, "Sebastian? Can I get a picture?"

Sebastian smiled and nodded. "Sure."

The two posed and a picture was taken.

The fan turned to Delilah and said, "You probably hear this all the time, but you're gorgeous."

Delilah's face flushed, never being one for compliments like so.

Sebastian nodded, smiling softly at his wife. "She's the most beautiful woman I've laid eyes on. I'm glad I'm able to spend my life with her."

"How did you two meet?"

Delilah smiled as she remembered the exact moment. "He bought me coffee and we got to talking."

"That's so romantic! You guys are one of my favorite couples. Thanks for taking the time to talk a picture and chat a little with me."

Sebastian laced his fingers through Delilah's as he replied, "You're welcome. It was nice to meet you-"


"It was nice to meet you, Megan."

"You two as well. I'm excited to see the next Marvel movie."

Sebastian glanced at Delilah and grinned. "It's gonna be a good one."

Megan waved and walked away.

Delilah sucked in a breath and rested her head on Sebastian's shoulder.

He glanced down at her and asked quietly, "Do you need ginger or something else?"

Delilah shook her head. "No, I'm just exhausted. I didn't sleep well and I'm still adjusting to the time."

"You need to take a short nap?"

"Maybe later. We've got a panel, so maybe after. But tea would be wonderful, since I'm limited with coffee. Fair warning, I may steal some of your coffee."

"Let's get you some tea then, Del. We've got some time. Not too much, though."

Sebastian and Delilah stopped by a local Starbucks to get her a tea and Sebastian got himself a coffee.

As soon as their drinks were ready, Delilah grabbed Sebastian's coffee and took a sip.

Sebastian frowned. "Delilah, you got tea. Let me drink my coffee please. We can get you a decaf one later."

Delilah huffed. "Decaf is not the same, Seb. You told me I could have a little. "Not too much, though" is what you said. This is going to be a long set of months."

Sebastian kissed her cheek. "And then a long 18 years."

"Shush. Let's just take it one day at a time."

"That works for me. We need to start planning names."

"Yes we do. How about when we get back home? Or at least to the hotel?"

Delilah smiled. "I have the perfect name if we have a girl."

"Oh yeah?"

She nodded and whispered the name in his ear and Sebastian smiled. "You're right. That is perfect."

"Do you agree?"

"Definitely. I think a boy's name will be harder to come up with."

"Yes, I think it will be."

"Then we better start brainstorming. We only have about eight months."

Delilah ran a hand along her still flat abdomen. "Your father and I can't wait to meet you, little one. Whether you're a boy or a girl, we'll love you the same."

Sebastian kissed Delilah and smiled softly. "Wise words from your mother, cel mic."

(little one (Romanian))

After a moment, Sebastian asked, "Are you ready?"

Delilah nodded and the two left and began making their way back to where their panel would be, Delilah occasionally stealing her husband's coffee. Eventually, Sebastian held it above his head so she couldn't reach it and she resorted to drinking her tea with a small pout.

Sebastian laughed softly and kissed her temple. Delilah glanced up at him with a smile and laced her fingers through his.

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