Chapter 2

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[Time does pass kind of quickly in this story as I want to get through a number of years for this story.

Enjoy the chapter!]

Sebastian, as Bucky, bought plums and asked how they were, then asked for six in Romanian. Delilah, as Gail, stood at his side as she looked at other fruit.

The two walked along the street and 'Bucky' looked at the street vendor, then away, then back up. The vendor ran. 'Bucky' and 'Gail' walked over and he picked up a paper that said that the Winter Soldier had bombed Vienna. 'Bucky' glanced around tensely and 'Gail' placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

The two made their way back to 'Bucky's' apartment and Chris as 'Steve' turned to face them.

"Understood," 'Steve' said. "Do you know me? Hi, Gail."

'Bucky' stared as he pushed 'Gail' behind him and replied, "You're Steve. I read about you in a museum. You know her?"

"Hello, Steve," 'Gail' replied. "Yes, we went on a few dates, nothing big."

"Glad to see you're doing well, Gail," 'Steve' said. "I know you're nervous. And you have plenty of reason to be. But you're lying."

'Gail' shook her head. "He wasn't in Vienna. He doesn't do that anymore."

"Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive."

"That's smart," 'Bucky' said. "Good strategy."

"This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck."

"It always ends in a fight."

"You pulled me from the river. Why?"

"I don't know."

"Yes, you do."

A grenade was thrown through the window. 'Bucky' quickly grabbed 'Gail' and kicked the grenade to 'Steve' who covered it with his shield, smothering it.

"Shoot the door!" a 'GSG-9 Soldier' yelled in German.

'Bucky' shielded himself and 'Gail' with a mattress from an attack from the window. He blocked the door. 'Steve' pulled the rug from under a policeman, causing him to go flying. 'Bucky' slammed a policeman into the wall, then grabbed his backpack.

The three fought the GSG-9 Soldiers, 'Steve' disappointed by 'Bucky's' fighting and 'Bucky' insisting on protecting 'Gail'.

'Bucky' punched more soldiers, then grabbed 'Gail's' waist and swung down a banister. After laying into more cops, 'Bucky', still keeping 'Gail' close, leapt down a stairwell, then along a corridor and leapt off a balcony. The two tumbled onto the lower roof where 'Bucky's' backpack had landed, 'Bucky' shielding 'Gail's' fall. 'Bucky' picked up his backpack and ran.

Delilah, who was close to the edge, caught sight of how high she was and froze.

A cameraman asked, "Are you okay?"

She shook her head slowly, staring down.

Sebastian glanced at his wife and jogged up to her. "Hey, Delilah? It's going to be okay." He tilted her head up so her eyes met his.

"I want to get down," she said in a shaky voice.

Anthony Russo walked up to the two and asked, "What's going on?"

Sebastian glanced at him. "She's got a pretty bad fear of heights. Is there a way she can get down or do we need to let this play out?"

Russo turned to Delilah. "Bucky and Black Panther fight and Bucky manages to break free. He grabs Gail and jumps onto the street. I know you're scared, Delilah, but can you channel that into the fear of your friend, the man you may have feelings for, being attacked?"

Delilah nodded slowly. "I think so." She glanced at Sebastian. "Can you shield me when you jump down?"

Sebastian smiled and brushed her hair back. "Of course. Tell you what. You're going to bury your face in my chest and I'll let you know when it's safe. That way you don't have to look down, okay?"

"Mhmm." She moved closer to Sebastian as her breaths began to quicken. She counted to ten a few times and nodded, letting her husband know she was okay.

The cameras began rolling again and 'Bucky' and 'Black Panther' fought.

'Bucky' managed to break free, slung his backpack on his back, grabbed 'Gail', ran and jumped down a level. Delilah's head was buried in Sebastian's chest, and she screamed as he jumped down.

They landed on the ground and had a car chase in the tunnel, eventually being caught by 'Rhodey'.

'Bucky' was hauled flat on the ground while 'Gail' was handcuffed. 'Bucky' glanced at 'Gail' with an apologetic expression.

Filming paused for the time being and Sebastian walked up to Delilah with a smile. "You did amazing, darling."

Delilah returned his smile, then pointed to the buildings. "I never want to do that again. But easing the panic? Thank you."

"That wasn't me, Del. That was all you. The methods we've worked on definitely helped. I'm so proud of you."

Chris walked up to the two and bumped Delilah's shoulder. "Nice to see you again, Delilah. Is Seb treating you well?"

Delilah nodded. "I couldn't ask for a better husband."

"Aw, you two are killing me!" Anthony teased as he walked up.

Delilah laughed softly and replied, "Don't die just yet. There's a lot more sappy moments."

"I'm sure there are. Delilah, I gotta ask you an important question. Team Iron Man or Team Cap?"

"Team Iron Man," Delilah replied seriously.

"Okay, well, this isn't going to work. Nice knowing you."

Sebastian chuckled lightly and said, "She's kidding."

"How do you know?"

"Her little side glance. Del, tell them who's side you're really on."

"Team Cap," Delilah answered. "Why would I be on Team Iron Man when my husband and two of his friends are on the opposite team?"

Anthony scoffed. "Well you got me good. It's hard to tell when you're serious. That's something I didn't miss from our last movie. And now, since you and Sebastian are married, we're stuck with you."

"Humph. You don't like it, too bad. So it continues. You like me better than Tom. I don't need a juice box. I've heard the stories."

"'Course you have. You don't need constant babysitting. I don't think."

"Mackie, I'm a grown-ass woman. No I don't need babysitting or juice boxes. But the white cherry Capri-Sun is pretty good."

Anthony smiled. "With an attitude like that, you're gonna fit right in."

Delilah nodded slowly and walked away as she looked at a text on her phone.

Anthony glanced at her. "What'd I say?"

Sebastian shook his head. "Nothing. Give me a minute." He walked towards his wife and asked, "Everything okay?"

She showed him the message, which gave an update as to how her mother was doing.

Sebastian read the message silently then questioned, "How are you doing?"

"Um, I don't know. Look, if she... if she dies and I have to fly home, would you-"

"Of course I'll come with you, Del."

She smiled. "Now what do you say we film a movie, huh?"


"Sebastian, I appreciate you looking out for me, but I just want to work on this movie, okay?"

He nodded and kissed her forehead. "Okay."

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