Chapter 18

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The press tour for Civil War had ended for the time being, but there would be coming Comic Cons and such that Delilah planned to attend if she could.

Sebastian had been right when he said the fans were passionate and amazing. Though she'd had some not so great fan experiences, she chose to not dwell on the negative ones.

A knock sounded on the door and a little girl's voice rang out. "Aunt Lilah! Uncle Sebby! I'm here!"

"And me and Jem," Devin said with a chuckle at his daughter's obvious excitement.

Delilah walked in with Katia who wearing a Captain America shirt that looked like a dress on her.

Sonia ran up to Delilah and Katia and grinned. "Hi, Katia. My name is Sonia. I'm your cousin. Can I hold her?"

Delilah nodded. "Sure, but you have to support her head, okay?"

"Okay. Can I hold her now?"

"I'd feel better if you were sitting on the couch."

Sonia ran to the couch and situated herself. Delilah sat next to her niece and handed Katia to her, positioning her daughter so she felt comfortable.

"She's so pretty. Where's Uncle Sebby?"

"Thank you. I think she's pretty too. He's out getting some groceries. He'll be back soon."

"I missed him so so much. And you too. Guess what?"

"I missed you too, Sonia, and I'm sure Seb did as well. What?"

"Come here. It's a secret."

Delilah leaned closer to Sonia and the little girl whispered loudly, "I'm gonna be a big sister."

Jemma laughed and nodded. "It's true. I wanted to let you know sooner, but Dev and Sonia wanted to tell you in person." She glanced at her daughter. "I think Uncle Sebastian would like to know, so you'll have to tell him the secret too."

"What secret?" Sebastian asked as he closed the door.

"Mommy's gonna have a baby," Sonia said.

Sebastian turned to Jemma and Devin and smiled. "Congrats, guys."

Katia started crying and Sebastian set the groceries down on the counter, then picked up his daughter and said, "Hi, sweet girl. It's okay."

Her cries eased slightly, soon turning to  more gurgles.

Sonia pulled out an easy-to-read picture book. "I saw the movie you and Aunt Lilah did. It was really good."

Delilah raised a brow as she looked at her brother and sister-in-law. "You two let her see Civil War?"

Devin nodded. "Jem and I saw it first and deemed it appropriate enough for her."

"I loved you and Uncle Sebby in it!" Sonia exclaimed. "And Uncle Chris and everyone. Spider-Man is super cool too."

"Oh, God," Sebastian muttered, earning an amused smile from Delilah.

"He's not God."

Delilah smirked as she said teasingly, "No, but he is a problem."

Sonia frowned. "Why is he a problem? Did he do something bad?"

Sebastian shook his head. "No, it's just a joke."

"Oh. I don't like that joke."

"You don't have to. There are some people who like it and others who don't."

Jemma waved and said, "Hi, pregnant lady here. I'm hungry."

"Well, we can make up something or eat out. What would you guys like to do?"

"Eat out, eat out, eat out!" Sonia cried.

Jemma and Devin shared a look and the former said, "Let's eat out. But no seafood."

"Got it," Delilah replied.

Sebastian grabbed a pair of sandals for Katia and put them on her feet. As they were being put on, Katia began whining and he said, "I know you don't like them being put on, little one."

As soon as the sandals were on, Katia's whining ceased and she kicked her legs into the air with a laugh.

The family made their way to a local restaurant that Delilah especially enjoyed and sat to enjoy family, food and fellowship.

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