Chapter 9

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Delilah glanced at the blaring green numbers. 4:37 AM. She closed her eyes, trying to fall back asleep, but it did no good.

She got out of bed, making sure to be careful of a sleeping Sebastian, grabbed her computer, and made her way into the living room.

She began heating up water for tea and searched up Political Animals. It was one of her favorite things Sebastian had been in. Though it probably wasn't good for her nerves, she wanted to watch it. She figured Sebastian would utter some sort of protest, but if she wanted to watch it, she would.

Delilah put on the show and found herself falling asleep. She paused the show and hugged the pillow as she closed her eyes.

A few hours later, Sebastian woke up to find the other side of the bed, where Delilah normally slept, empty. He got up and went to find her, smiling when he saw her curled up on the couch.

He placed a blanket over her and began making coffee. He sat next to his sleeping wife.

A short while later, Delilah woke up and jumped when she saw Sebastian. She nearly fell off the couch and he caught her before she could.

"Morning, Del," he greeted.

Delilah rubbed her eyes, smearing makeup. "Morning. Ah, shit. I made water for tea, but it's cold now."

"When I got coffee, I turned the water back on. Should be ready soon. You didn't take off your makeup last night, did you?"

"You're the best. Uh, I don't recall doing so."

"I'd recommend getting a makeup wipe." He kissed her cheek and smiled. "What were you watching?"

"Eh, later. I'm liking the raccoon look. I was going to watch Political Animals, but I decided to sleep. We can watch it now if you'd like."

"Uh, I'm not sure. You know I'm not the biggest fan of watching things I'm in."

"Neither am I, but you know I enjoy this show."


"Sebby, please. This and tea will make me happy."

"Are you guilting me?"

"Yes. No. Maybe. Please?"

He groaned softly. "Play it. What tea do you want?"

"Mmm, I don't know."

"You should probably decide because your water's close to boiling."

"The service and funeral is today."

Sebastian stroked her cheek. "I know. How are you feeling?"

"I'm not ready. It'll be a final goodbye."

He said nothing, but held her hand in his.

Sonia ran into the room in her footie pajamas and yelled, "I'm Captain America! Hi Uncle Sebby! Hi Aunt Lilah! What are you watching?"

Devin picked up Sonia and set her in his shoulders. "Okay, wild one, let's get you some breakfast."

"Cheerios with tons of sugar?"

"Absolutely not. Cheerios with a little sugar. We don't need you more hyper than you already are."


The water began boiling and Delilah got up to turn it off. She grabbed a couple tea bags of Prince of Wales and made the tea, then sat at the table with a clementine. She absentmindedly peeled it, trying not to let her thoughts of the day's events consume her.

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