Chapter 30

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Katia wandered around set, looking around curiously. She ended up on the Wakanda set and smiled as she said, "Kitty."

Chadwick picked her up and she looked at his costume before saying again, "Kitty."

"That's right," Chadwick said. "Where are your parents?"

Delilah gave a small smile to her daughter before running to the bathroom.

"Mama?" Katia called.

Sebastian walked up and ruffled her hair. "Mama will be back. Thanks for grabbing her."

Chadwick nodded. "She's at a curious age. Delilah mentioned that she lost a baby. Do you mind if I ask what happened?"

Sebastian sighed. "A little while ago, Delilah was in a bad accident with our daughter and niece. They all survived, but unfortunately, she lost the baby."

"I am so sorry."


Delilah walked up as she opened a ginger candy and said, "Third time's the charm they say."

Sebastian turned to her. "Are you okay, Del?"

She nodded. "I'm fine. Baby is making me nauseous, as usual, but I'm okay."

"Mama," Katia said, reaching for her.

Delilah took Katia and said to Chadwick, "Thank you. How are you doing?"

Chadwick nodded slowly. "I'm all right."

She stared at him curiously a moment and nodded. "Right, well, we should probably get back to filming. It looks like they're ready."

Katia was set on the ground and Delilah sat next to her as she assumed her role as Gail.

'Bucky' smiled at his girls as he flung a pile of hay onto a wagon.

Katia, who was playing a character named Winifred, Winnie, ran up to her father and he picked her up with his right arm.

"Dada," 'Winnie' said.

'Bucky' smiled. "Do you want to help?"

'Winnie' nodded and was set down. She ran to grab a small bit of hay and put it on the cart.

"Good job," 'Bucky' said. "You're already a big help."

'Gail' walked up and asked, "Is she bothering your work?"

'Bucky' shook his head. "No, doll. She's helping. She's a great help."

'Winnie' smiled as she put more hay on the cart.

'T'Challa' walked up and a box was set down.

In a discouraged tone, 'Bucky' asked, "Where's the fight?"

"On its way," 'T'Challa' replied.

'Winnie' pulled at the helm of 'Bucky's' tunic and was picked up by him. She stared at the arm and touched it. Her eyes widened and she turned to her father with a smile.

'Bucky' smiled back. 'Gail' walked up and placed a hand on his left shoulder before saying, "I'll keep her and the baby safe."

He kissed her. "I know you will, doll."

The scene ended and Delilah let out a breath. "I'm okay, Seb."

"Do you need tea or ginger?"

"I've had ginger, so I think I'll be okay. I just need to get past these first few months." She took Katia's hand and gently shook it. "Good job, little one."

Katia began playing with her mother's hand as Sebastian said, "You're going to be a great actress one day."

"If she chooses to be one," Delilah said with a small laugh.

Sebastian chuckled softly as he wrapped his left arm around Delilah's shoulders and the family stood there for a moment in costume.

Katia yawned and Sebastian handed her to Delilah as he said, "It's someone's nap time."

"I need to get some rest too, so I'll take her back to the trailer."

He ruffled Katia's hair. "Sleep well, cel mic." He brushed Delilah's cheek. "Rest well, printesa."

By the time Delilah and Katia got back to the trailer, the little girl was asleep.

Delilah gently laid her down in her bed and tucked her in before lying on the couch and shut her eyes.

Sebastian walked into the trailer and smiled when he saw his sleeping wife and daughter. He grabbed a blanket and covered Delilah before sitting next to her at an empty spot and as though she sensed his presence, she shifted and cuddled closer to him.

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