I love you.

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*Alex's POV*

I woke up alone. The guys went out for different things so me and sky were supposed to have the day to us. But she wasn't with me. I figured she was in the bathroom and shrugged it off. I got out of bed and stretched before going into the kitchen to make some breakfast. I found Skylar's phone on the counter, unlocked. I saw a lot of missed calls from a blocked number. I plugged it in to the charger we have on the counter and looked around for her. I walked into the living room and found her asleep on the couch. I sighed with relief that she was still in the house, and didnt get kidnapped or anything. I smiled at her and grabbed a blanket. I draped the blanket over her and she moved a little bit after I did. I noticed something on her arm, it looked like gause. I went to touch it to get a better look at it. She sat up, startled, and looked at me with glossy eyes. She flung her arm backwards, away from me. "What the hell are you doing?!" her voice was gritty, like she had been crying. I held my hands up in surrender. "I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" I decided to avoid the arm situation for now, obviously she wasnt okay. "Yeah, I'm fi-" she broke down. She collapsed into my arms balling. I shed a few tears, because I hate seeing her sad. It broke my heart. She sat up and I looked her in the eyes, "What's wrong?" she sniffled. "M-my sister is dead." She silently cried and studied my face expression, which was shocked Im sure. "I'm so sorry. Who was the blocked number? You left your phone unlocked, and you had like 4 missed calls" She sighed. "That's my dad, he gave me the news at like, 2am." I nodded in acknowledgement. "Let's do something. To get your mind off of this." She smiled. "Okay. We could go to the beach or something." I smirked. "I got a better idea. You go get changed and meet me in the car when youre done." I kissed her quickly and ran upstairs to get changed. We met in the car and I drove to the first place in mind, avoiding her continuous question of where I was taking her. After she realized that I wasn't going to answer her question, she stopped asking and the car was silent. she started to hum to herself quietly as we drove down the isolated highway. I smiled a bit when I realized she was humming somewhere in Neverland. I loved that she liked my music. It made my heart happy. I resisted the urge to push on questioning about the gause that was peeking out the edge of her sleeve, but failed. "Is there anything you want to tell me?" I didn't take my eyes off the road, but I could see her raise her eyebrow at me out of the corner of my eye. "not that I know of. is there something wrong?" she murmured. I pulled into the drive way of the park and pulled the keys out of the ignition. she reached for her door but I grabbed her bare wrist. "Tell me. Please." I looked at her pleadingly. it felt like every bit of oxygen I had in me was sucked away. tsunamies formed in my eyes as I saw her remove her gause. It looked like a murder scene on plain white sheets. Her pale skin was covered in deep open wounds that had a pink irritated outlining. She looked away and hissed at the pain as I ran my fingers over her cuts. they were still pretty fresh. my voice shaky, I pulled her to me, as if letting her go meant I'd never see her again. "Skylar..W-why.." I whispered, letting the pools in my eyes run down my face. "My sister...My dad..Me in general. I've let myself get soft Alex. I've let you in. I let my guard down and I don't know how to protect myself. I wanted to bring myself back go reality. Punsih myself for being a stupid, selfish, disgusting person. You're going to leave for someone better one day and I'm too broken to be alone anymore.." I cut her off by kissing her with every bit of compassion in me. every bit of love. We were both crying harder than ever, and salty tears made appearance on our lips. I pulled away and looked at her in the eyes. "Skylar, what happened to your sister is NOT your fault. You didn't control the other car. You were only trying to protect yourself, I'm sure she knew that. You are not a disgusting, selfish, or stupid person. You are the most gorgeous, caring, and intelligent person I know. You can let your guard down. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to protect you as long as I live. You're not too broken, you're just bent, and I'm going to help you get back in shape. I'm never going to leave you. I couldn't go on properly without you. You don't understand how much you mean to me. Skylar, I love you."

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