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*Alex's POV*
I panicked. she passed out and she got hurt. I should've stopped him sooner. fuck fuck fuck. I picked her up and put her in my car. I drove her to the hospital as fast as I could. they took her to a room and I told them the story. I sat in the waiting room nervously. was she going to be okay? what if she wasn't? what if she was and she didn't want to come with me? what would I do then? what would she do then? She has no job, no house, nothing. what if she rejects my help. so many questions went through my head..about 20 minutes later, the doctor came out with a piece of paper and called my name. I stood up really fast. she smiled and walked over to me."Hello, Mr.Gaskarth. I'm doctor Monroe. How are you doing?" I didn't want to be harsh, but I wasn't in the mood for small talk. "How is she?" Dr.Monroe put on her glasses and read the report. "She has a bruised rib and she should be off her feet as much as possible. its likely to heal in a week's time at most." I sighed with relief. "Where is ms.may residing?" she asked me, not looking up from the paper."Um. we haven't worked that out yet.." she sighed. "well, I'll set up a room for her here then." she wouldn't want to stay in a hospital, I don't want her here either. "wait. she lives with me." the doctor raised an eyebrow and wrote down the address I told her too. she was released and was being pushed down the hallway in a wheelchair. she looked in pain. she had bags under her eyes, her hair was knotted up, her eyeliner was lost in her cheeks. but she was still beautiful. it made me want to cry seeing her like that. I know I only met her a few days ago but I care about her. I really like her. some nurses got her into my car and we started driving to my house. she was curled up in a ball and let her head rest on the window, staring out of it. "Are you okay?" I asked her quietly. "Well, I've been better..I mean. I'm one for a good beating, but I'm not so much a fan whenever it's me." she laughed lightly. she was trying to lift the mood. "well, you're never going to see him again as long as I'm around." I told her as we stopped in the driveway. "you cant promise that Alex." she said, her voice breaking. I got out and opened her door, helping her out. I hugged her, careful not the hurt her. I looked down at her and lifted her head up to look at me. "Sky, I promise you. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. you're safe with me." she nodded and smiled lightly. I leaned down to her..she turned her head and cleared her throat awkwardly. "we should um. get inside." I sighed. "yeah. we should. I can't wait for the guys to meet you" she stopped stil. "oh my god. this is actually happening. what if they hate me? what if they always look at me as weak because of my condition right now?" she trailed off asking questions. "Sky, they'll love you. don't worry." we got to the door and I unlocked it while she stood behind me. I opened the door and turned back to her. "Welcome Home."

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