take back

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*Skylar's POV*
I tried so hard to believe that he changed. I didn't want to believe that he was that kind of guy. I can't believe I opened my heart to him just so he could shoot it down. this is what I get for going against my gut. we pulled up to the apartment complex and I ran up to my apartment. I didn't really care if he was running after me. I unlocked my door and went to my room. I didn't remember putting my suitcase that high up in my closet. how'd I even get it up there?I mentally slapped myself. why. I was jumping to try and reach it. all of the sudden, an arm was in front of me, grabbed the suitcase and gave it to me. I grabbed it and walked past Alex, who was trying to catch his breath. I went to my drawers and grabbed my clothes, stuffing them in the suitcase. I didn't have much stuff, so it wasn't hard to pack. I put the rest of my stuff in a backpack and zipped up the suitcase. Alex finally caught his breath and sat on the bed next to my suitcase. I sat on the other side of it and laid back on the bed. everything was silent. "you know, what I said before, I really have changed. that was a different time. I didn't know what I wanted." I sighed. "Alex, I told you to forget about it. I don't care." I mumbled from under my hands, which where over my face. "yes you do. if you didn't, you wouldn't have been so mad. why do you care though?" I laughed and stood up. "do you think I have a crush on you? is that it? you said that to see if I would care? to see if I liked you? wow. no Alex. I don't have a little school girl crush on you-" he shut me up by kissing me. I hesitated before I kissed back. I melted. our lips moved in sync. he pulled away and looked at me. "what I said about my past self was true. but I told you. that's before I found out what I wanted. do you want to know what I want?" I was in shock from what just happened, I just looked at him. "you." I stepped out of his grip, shaking my head. I sunk into a ball. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't. no. I'd just get hurt. or I'd hurt him. he stepped closer to me and kneeled down to my level. he put his hand on my cheek and looked me dead in the eye. "Skylar. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not going to fuck you over. I'm going to protect you. don't be afraid. I know you are. I know you're just trying to protect yourself. but you don't have to. let me make you not afraid  anymore. I know I'll make mistakes, but I won't hurt you. please." he has tears in his eyes. I looked up at him. he was looking at me pleadingly. I stood up and he did the same. I hugged him. I've never had anyone try and comfort me. I've never had anyone who wanted to be with me. I've never had someone who tried as hard as he did. the entire time I've known him, he always tried. I was scared shitless. but he was different. he hugged me back, almost instantly. he put his head on top of mine. I looked up at him and kissed him as passionate as I could. I wasn't good at speaking about how I felt, I just wanted him to know how thankful I was. how happy he made me. that I said yes. we parted and he had the biggest grin on his face. "so..is that a yes..or?" I laughed and nodded. he kissed me again and then let go of me. he grabbed my suitcase and I got my backpack. he grabbed my hand with his free hand, and we went home.
this chapter made me so happy.
I was looking forward to writing it. so here you go, my beautiful readers.

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