Sleeping Beauty

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*Alex's POV*
I woke up to a ball of fluffy periwinkle hair peeking from the blanket. I smiled. she fell asleep on me last night, so I took her with me. she's like a teddy bear. she's so beautiful when she sleeps. she looks so peaceful. she's gonna have to stay in bed most of the time until her rib heals. I got up, careful not to wake her up. I decided I was gonna make her breakfast in bed and I waited until around 9am. I know she was going to be sleeping until around 12. after my third attempt at making an omelet, I finally made a decent one. I poured some chocolate milk in a cup and put in a twisty straw. I made some hash browns and got a TV tray. I knocked on the door and she came to open it. her hair was knotted, she had little bags under eyes, she still had some eyeliner on from last night, and she wasn't wearing pants. she was gorgeous. she looked at me, smiling. "Is that for me?" I nodded and stepped in. I set the TV tray down and reached for her hand. she took it and followed me to the bed. I tucked her legs in and set her pillows up. I put the TV tray next to her bed and handed her the TV remote. "thank you." she smiled. I smiled back and nodded. I went to walk out, but she grabbed my hand. I felt electricity go through my body. he hands were cold, but they were soft. "where are you going?" she asked me. "I was um. I didn't think you'd want me to stay" I told her. her face fell and she let go of my hand. "Alex. I'm sorry that I was such a bitch when we met. I was just scared. I didn't want to get hurt. I'm still scared. but you have been the only person who has ever tried to stay with me. you didn't give up on me once. I don't ever want you to go anywhere." she said with guilt laced through her words. I smiled so big. it made my heart melt. I climbed into the bed next to her and turned her head to me. "I'm not going anywhere. whether you want me to or not. I'll always be around." she smiled and tears sprung to her eyes. I hugged her tightly and didn't let go for awhile. we ate the breakfast I made and watched invader zim until we had to get up. it was already 3. damn. she sighed happily and got up. she looked around and then turned back to me. "um. Alex. we have to go back to my house, I need clothes and stuff." my nerves tensed up. I didn't want her going to that place again. but I knew she couldn't wear my boxers and shirts forever. I sighed and got out of bed. I threw her some old skinny jeans that I found in my closet. she put them on and they fit perfectly. "Alex. why do you have girl skinny jeans in your closet?" I scratched the back of my head and laughed. "you don't wanna know." she nodded, she knew where I got them. "you're one of those guys huh? the kind that sleeps with a lot of girls and doesn't call them back to get their stuff back. just kick them out after you're done?" I looked down. "not anymore. most of the time I was drunk. but yanno." she looked hurt. I hated it. "let's go." she walked out after grabbing her phone. I face palmed myself. good going Alex. when I got in the car, she was leaning on the car hood, going through her phone. her ass looked better in those jeans than the girl I got them from. I walked over to the car and unlocked the door. she got in the passenger seat and looked out the window. we drove in silence for a while. "I'm sorry." I broke the silence. she sighed. "its whatever. I just didn't want to believe you were one of those guys. just forget about it." she said. "I'm not-" "forget about it." she cut me off. the rest of the drive was silent until we pulled up into the apartment complex driveway.

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