20.the return

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You and Luisa are anxious as you enter the kingdom. you look at each other and you put on your crown.

"i'm so not use to you wearing a crown... looks kinda funny" Luisa said trying to ease the tension.

you chuckle agreeing. once you two get out you see your dad waiting.

"where mom?" you ask

"she's waiting inside for us" he said

the three of you enter the castle.

"so (y/n) you didn't tell me anything on the way here but just said Mario. what's going on?" Luisa asked

"oh you both will see" Mikael said walking toward a hidden staircase

Luisa looks at you skeptical. you give her a reassuring look. you both follow Mikael through the staircase to a secret large room. you see your mom sitting by a bed and see the kingdoms best doctor. he is also classified as some sort of wizard and has been with the kingdom since your grandparents were kids.

"ah prince (y/n) pleasure to see you. " Doctor everett said

"doctor Everett hello. this is Luisa Madrigal my prima in law. " you said shaking his hand

"ah Mario's girlfriend " he said and he kisses her hand gently

"we didn't get to date" Luisa said sadly

"maybe now we can" you both hear coming near the bathroom

you both turn and can't believe your eyes. Mario. Luisa starts to cry and you just stand there staring. is this a dream?

"how?" Luisa asked looking at the doctor.

"well Mario's heart didn't stop.. it was very faint. but i was able to get it back with a shot. though we had to fake his death. that's why his casket was close the whole time. we had to get him back to full health. we cannot have anyone in the kingdom know he's alive for his own safety. " the doctor explain

Mario hugs Luisa who hugs back. she cries into his shoulder as you try to take everything in.

"y-you died in my arms. you sacrificed yourself for me" you said looking at the man in front of you

Mario let's go Luisa and walks over

"my job as your brother is to always protect you. That was me acting as your big brother not as a guard. I'd do it over and over again if i had to.. because i love you" he said

you hug him and let the tears fall out your eyes.

"i love you too bro" you said

"so what's the plan?" Mario ask your parents as you both pull away

"Mario you will go back with your brother and live there. we need you safe. " your mom states

"but what about you two?" Mario ask

"you will visit with your brother when he comes. " Mikael said

"okay" Mario said not use to be being away for long.

"so you get to be around me more" Luisa said smiling

Mario smiles and holds her hand. you smilie knowing your brother gets the girl in the end.

"can't wait to see you two get married" you tease

Luisa blushes and Mario pushes you playfully. you can't help but laugh.

"i guess our trip is shorter than we thought. " Luisa said

you nod in agreement. your parents want you three on the way back as soon as possible. you help pack Mario's stuff.

you see a messenger bird and take the letter. you start smiling since the letter is from Dolores asking if you are safe. you write back a letter explaining you will be home earlier and will see her very soon.

"thank you my feathered friend " you said and watch the bird go off.

you smile and can't wait to see your wife in person. you make sure everything is packed and when night falls you 3 are on the way back.

{skip to the return}

you smile as you see Dolores in the front. she heard when you told her you was close.

"mi reina. my esposa. mi vida..." you said and kiss all over her face.

you haven't been away from Dolores for a few hours so days was hard.

"my beautiful babies " you start kissing her bump.

she giggles and pushes you slightly

"i should be away from you more often if the three of us get all this love. " she said

"ugh finally. i don't have to hear him go on about how much he misses you" Mario said

Dolores's eyes widen and she looks at Mario like she's seeing a ghost.

"mario.." she said

"yes it's your favorite brother in law. come here muñeca" he said smiling

"it is you" she said

he hugs her and she hugs back crying a bit.

"hey you made my wife cry " you said joking to your brother

he gives you the finger and you laugh. God have you missed that idiot.

prince on the run (Dolores x male readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя