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It's been 3 months and you been helping around and even showed Antonio some sword fighting with fake wooden swords you made. He's taken a liking in you. Felix even asked you to wrestle which you declined saying he'd beat you but in reality you've been trained to fight since you was a boy. Every day you and Dolores find time to read together, well more like she reads and you listen to her. You just finish some chores and taking care of your horse when you see Isabela and Dolores whispering and glancing at you. You begin to walk over and Isabela pushes Dolores towards you and runs off. you catch Dolores before she can fall.

"are you okay?" you ask staring into her eyes

"I uh.. I yes. "she blushes and let you help her stand properly.

"I'm looking forward to our little book club today. " you tell her

"i am too. I just was wondering if I could ask you something. " Dolores says

"of course.  " you say and you two sit down

"um... why'd you run away from home?" she ask nervous.

"well um... you see as a Prince my life was already decided for me. I'm the eldest and my fathers only son, hence why im named after him. so He and another country both decided their eldest children was to be married. he has a daughter name Anastasia. She and I were to be married and didn't because the day of the wedding I ran. I wasn't going to be forced to marry someone I didn't love. I believe marriage should be between people who love one another." you say playing with your hands

"oh.. so you was betrothed to a woman you didn't even have any interest in.."

you nod in agreement.

"well i'm happy you ran away" Dolores says low so you don't hear.

"hey how about today I read?" you ask

"I think i'd like that. " she smiles.

You two get a blanket and head to the waterfall. You sit together and you open the book to where you both was last and start reading. Dolores lays her head on your shoulder and closes her eyes. she focuses on your voice as you read. Your voice has become her new favorite sound. neither of you would admit it, thinking it's too soon, if you both have a crush on one another. You don't dare saying anything thinking it's too soon. Dolores won't say anything because it fits Bruno's prophecy. the man of her dreams being betrothed to another.

"wow this is getting intense " you say in disbelief of what's going on in the new book you two started

"I know right? he stalks this girl and he's making her fall for him. " Dolores says and looks at you

you two talk about possible theories about what's going to happen next. after a few minutes it's time for you both to head back.

"You know... this is the best part of my day. I wake up happy because I know i get to spend time reading with you. " You admit.

Dolores blushes and looks away.

"It's the best part of my day too. " she admits

you smile big and you both head inside

"(y/n)!" Antonio shouts and runs towards you and Dolores

You pick up the little boy and spin around. you both laugh and you stop before you can get dizzy.

"are you going to come play lost boys with me and the animals?" Antonio ask

"well of course. I can't imagine anything else I'd rather do. " you put him down

Antonio grabs your hand and looks at Dolores

"Sorry but I have to borrow your boyfriend. "

He drags you upstairs and Dolores just stands there shock blushing. You aren't her boyfriend but she wishes you was.

"you like him. " Isabela says behind Dolores

She turns and shushes her.

"We are just friends. nothing more. " she said while crossing her arms.

"doesn't mean you don't like him. "

"well what if i do? Not like anything would happen." Dolores says sadly

"Dolores everyone sees the way you both look at each other. Tia Pepa is so happy to see you happy. I think that's why Tio Felix wanted to wrestle to see if he can protect you. " Isabela tells her

the girls don't know you are having a some what similar chat with the curly haired little boy in his room.

"so you're dating my sister?" Antonio ask as he gets his toys

"what? no. We are just friends. " you tell him

"like best friends?" he ask you

"well yes. she is like my best friend "

you smile small thinking of the beautiful bright eyed girl as your best friend.

"but you look at her the way my papi looks at my mami... with love. so she should be your girlfriend.... then you can be my brother. " Antonio seem to make up his mind that you had to date his sister.

"Antonio... I look at your sister like she's my bestfriend. let's just play okay buddy?" you say

Antonio agrees but made up his mind that you are meant to be part of the family Madrigal. You two play until Pepa comes in and tells you both it's time for dinner. you take Antonio so you both can wash your hands then take him to go sit down for dinner. You sit across from Dolores and during dinner you steal glances at her and at a point you both glance at each other at the same time and blush.

"Mami... is papi your bestfriend ?" Antonio ask his mom

"Si Tonito. " Pepa tells her youngest

"so Best friends can date.. told you (y/n) " Antonio says

everyone seems to look at you and you just want to sink in your chair. you blush and just look down.

"Antonio maybe we shouldn't talk about this at dinner." you say

"But you look at Dolores the same way Papi does to mami. I just want you to be my brother. " Antonio huffs upset.

Dolores is blushes and excuses herself.

"okay Tonito maybe we talk about this later. " Pepa tells her son before chasing her daughter with a cloud.

Dinner is finished in silence.

prince on the run (Dolores x male readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя