17.brother's keeper

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it's lunch time after princess Anastasia's weird visit. a letter comes to the queen. she reads the letter and you all see the concern in her eyes.

"lock down the kingdom! I need full security for the prince and princess. if anyone finds princess Anastasia of the southern isles bring her into custody. " You mom says to the guards.

your mom hands the note to Mikael who looks over it.

"don't worry my love she won't have a foot in this castle. " Mikael said before excusing himself.

"mario stay with your brother and sister in law" Mikael adds before leaving.

"mom.. what's going on?" you ask as Dolores squeezes your hand

"Princess Anastasia.. she's gone mad. I got a letter from her kingdom. she injured the king while in a fit of anger. she found out that you two are going to have a child and it triggered her in a way nobody thought. she told the king she would not leave without you prince (y/n).. nothing and nobody would get in her way. " you mother said concern.

"and there is no way for us to leave?" Dolores ask now terrified.

"i'm afraid not. we can't risk it. we don't know what she's capable of. " You mother said

you take a moment to sit and think. you are aware princess Anastasia did take a few lessons on self defense because of her father but to what extent you don't know.

"she is friends with a guard" Mario said remembering.

"which-" before your mother can continue there is a loud boom in the front gates.

"anastasia" Dolores said covering her ears.

you grab Dolores hand and hurry her to the library where you have a secret room nobody knows of. Mario is with you both. you feel around until you get the secret door open

"woah i didn't know this existed. " Mario said

"nobody did but me. " you said.

you all hurry inside and you know your mom is already in her panic room safe. you remove the covers off the couch. you cleaned it last night because you was going to show Dolores. you even stocked the mini fridge and cleaned the little hidden bathroom.

You look at Dolores who's covering her ears and you pull her close.

"shouting?" you ask

"the fighting outside. people dying. Anastasia had more soldiers hidden.... she's coming into the castle" Dolores said

you hold Dolores close. a talk you had with your mother as a boy rang through your head.

you was only 13 at the time. you was hiding under your desk in the library. you didn't want to go practice fighting today. you didn't want anything to do with a sword. your mom walks in and sits by your desk.

"you know your father is real angry you aren't at your lessons. " she said

"i don't want to practice. i just want to read " you said

you come out and she looks at the book in your hand.

"do you want to know why you have to have lessons?" she ask

"because i'm going to be king one day?" you ask

"well yes but also so you can protect yourself and those you love. say i don't have my guard and someone is trying to hurt me.. what would you do?" she ask

"I'd draw my sword. nobody will hurt my mother " you said serious

the thought of someone hurting your mother made you angry.

prince on the run (Dolores x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now