5.the dad talk

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You wake up and look around. Dolores is cuddled against you in your room. you both fell asleep reading. you smile and hold her.

"Dolores... love. " you say

You try to wake her and she buries her face in your chest.

"I don't want to get up. " she mumbles

"I know but you have to.. I don't want someone coming in and your mom flipping out. "you tell her

"but we didn't do anything " she groans

"i know but we are still sharing a bed. " you kiss her head.

She sigh and opens her eyes and you smile big. you love her eyes so much

"what?" she says smiling

"you are just so gorgeous." You whisper before kissing her nose.

she giggles a bit and you both sit up.

"i'll see you in a few minutes. " Dolores said getting up

You go to kiss her but she puts a hand on your mouth.

"I have morning breath. "

"so? "

"not going to happen lover boy. " she said as she leaves

You smile small.You change your outfit and yawn. You go brush your teeth and fix your hair. you go to Dolores room and before you knock she opens it and you see she has your sweater on.

"nice sweater. I didn't know you went to an all boy school. " you smirk

she blushes and didn't know it was an old school sweater

"it smelt like you and looked comfortable " she tells you

"well you look cute in it. " you tell her smiling.

she grabs your hand smiling. you both go downstairs and Julieta is cooking.

"hi you two." she smiles at you both

"do you need any help?" you ask

"no i'm okay sweetie." she tells you.

"we are going to be outside if anyone needs us. " Dolores tells her it's

Dolores leads on you to the porch. You two sit on the porch swing and cuddle. you kiss her head as you have an arm wrapped around her.

"i missed you a lot. " you admit to break the silence you heard.

"I missed you too. I tried so hard to hear you. I missed your voice." she tells you and plays with your hand

"now you get to hear my voice everyday " you smile

"I wouldn't have it any other way. "

you smile and kiss her. she kisses back but pulls away and looks at the window. you look and see Felix and Pepa watching. Dolores blushes and hides her face in your chest. you wave and they wave back and give you the "im watching you" look.

"i'm sorry about them. " Dolores tells tou

"no it's okay. it shows they care about you. I hope I can be half the man your father is. he's pretty cool... don't tell him I said that though." you smile.

you both head inside to get ready for breakfast. Dolores expected to have you after breakfast but Felix had a different idea. He said he was going to have you for the day. Dolores knew she couldn't argue with her father as she had to do her chores.

"how can I help you Señor Felix?" you asked

"well we are going to go chop some wood and just chat. " he tells you

You nod and you both go chop wood. you get uncomfortable in your shirt and take it off leaving you shirtless.

"so you and my daughter.." Felix starts

"si... I really like her. I don't plan on hurting her. It would break my heart. She's a wonderful girl. She makes me smile, she's very smart, she is an amazing dancer and story teller. she is absolutely gorgeous. you have an amazing daughter. " you tell him.

"i want you to promise to protect her. She is the best and i want her with the best. she needs a man willing to protect and give her his all. "

"señor i promise. I won't ever hurt her and i will protect her like my life depends on it. I gave up my throne for her. I don't know what else could show that Im in this for the long run. " you say.

Felix smiles and hugs you. you hug back.

"hurt my daughter and Ill make sure you end up dead in a ditch. " he whispers in your ear before pulling away

"now finish this up " Felix tells you before walking off

you gulp and watch him. you shake it off and get to work. you chop wood and get all sweaty. You don't notice the group of girls standing a few feet away watching and whispering. they are giggling and checking you out. You notice Dolores walk over to you. You put the Axe down

"oh hi-" before you can continue her lips crash into yours

you instantly kiss back and the girls hurry off. you feel Dolores smirk in the kiss and you pull away.

"what did I do to deserve that amazing kiss?" you ask smiling

"oh you just looked so sexy chopping wood... i had to make your fan club know you are taken. " she tells you

you look confused and look around.

"oh they ran off. some girls was checking you out so i had to let it be known. " she shrugs and hums

she walks off after kissing your cheek.

"i am and always will be only yours. I don't notice any other girl." you say knowing she heard you.

She smiles walking and you continue chopping wood after putting your shirt back on out of respect for Dolores.

prince on the run (Dolores x male readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang