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Mario. your big brother. the one who risked his life for you because you are his little brother and one of his best friends. after his funeral you and Dolores head back home.you was quiet the way home. you just sat and cuddled with dolores. Dolores is sad but she knows Mario's death hit you the worse other than your parents.

"if you want to talk i'm here" she said

"i know.. it's just going to take some time. just know i'm still going to do what i have to do in order to make your pregnancy easy" you said and rub her bump.

Dolores kisses your cheek and soon you are back at the madrigal house. you both go inside and the guard who escorted you both puts your luggage inside for you.

"welcome back" Pepa said and hugs Dolores.

they don't know about Mario's death yet. you see Luisa come down probably hoping to see Mario. your heart breaks in that moment.

"i'm sorry excuse me " You said and rush to you and Dolores's room.

you go inside and just cry. Dolores sees Luisa and takes the letter out her bag.

"Luisa.. i uh have some bad news. " Dolores said not knowing what else to say

Pepa looks at Dolores concern since you ran off.

"what happen?" Luisa ask her older prima

"um.. at the castle there was an problem... (y/n) was attacked and Mario stepped in. they tried everything but.. i'm sorry" Dolores said and hands Luisa the letter and then takes out his favorite sweater that he wanted her to have.

Luisa is stunned as she looks at the sweater and letter. in Mario's neat handwriting is her name with the i doted with a heart.

"He's... no" Luisa said

she starts to cry and run to her room.

"what happened at the castle?" Pepa asked now concern about her daughter and grandchildren.

Dolores sighs and sits with her mom and explains everything.

meanwhile you are in the room and you are doubting a lot of things.

"I.. i wasn't strong enough. forgive me Mario" you said sitting with your knees to your chest.

You vow to train until you are stronger. you are sure Dolores would tell her family about Mario's passing so you don't have to.

you start to go downstairs to check on Dolores and you hear her and Antonio talking

"but where is he?" Antonio asked

"well (y/n)'s brother is in heaven. remember when you asked about abuelo?" Dolores said

"oh.. yeah that's up in the clouds" Antonio said innocently

"si " Dolores said.

"i'll make (y/n) a surprise to feel better" the young boy said

he runs off and you smile small. Antonio is such a sweet kid. you walk to Dolores and she looks at you.

"hi amor.. do you want to go on a walk?" Dolores ask

"i was actually going to go outside and train by myself if that's okay with you. " you said

"yeah sure. " Dolores said

you can tell she's a bit upset

"i just.. i just want to clear my head a bit. it's not that i don't want to spend time with you " you said

"it's okay.just don't miss dinner okay?" she kisses your cheek

"okay " you said and kiss her cheek.

you get your things and head out to the woods. you go to the river and sit by it for a minute. you sigh and start to practice. you work on your sword work. you will not let anything happen to Dolores or your children. you don't realize the time.

"shit" you said realizing it's late.

Dolores is going to kill you. you head back to casita and realize everyone is asleep. you run a hand through your hair and quietly walk to the room. you open the door and see Dolores is up and waiting. she's reading and you know she's tired and ready to go to bed.

"I thought you was going to be home by dinner" She said not looking up

"I'm.." you start

"you're sorry.. you lost track of time? you know i worry" she said

you sigh and walk over. you grab Dolores hand and look at her.

"i'm trying to be strong enough.. for you and the twins. " you explain

"what do you mean? you are very strong " Dolores said looking in your eyes

"but i'm not.. if i was he'd still be alive. " you look way and tears fill your eyes

"(y/n) it's not your fault " Dolores tries to reason with you

"but it is!" you shout

Dolores wince as she holds her ears. your eyes soften and you instantly regret shouting since you hurt your wife's ears.

"i'm so sorry" you whisper.

you hug her and she lets you massage her ears softly.

"i'm serious it's not your fault " she says low

"but i feel like it is. Anastasia wouldn't be there if it wasn't because of me. if i was strong enough that guy wouldn't have almost killed me. Mario went to help and i couldn't get to him fast enough because i was weak... we always said we'd fight together no matter what. " you said looking down

"he's your big brother.. of course he'd do anything to protect you. If Camilo was in your place i'd do the same thing. just like how you'd always protect me it's the same for an older sibling. You are strong enough to protect me and the babies. you did when you went after anastasia.. as long as i can hear that heart beat you will always be strong enough to me. " Dolores explains.

"there's a plate for you downstairs if you are hungry or you can lay down with me now. " Dolores adds

prince on the run (Dolores x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now