Chapter 21

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❝ The story is just starting ❞

"Should we go swimming?" I ask with a sparkling eyes.

"Why? we still have class to attend" Hoseok speak after gulping the water, with a furrowed brows and questioning look.

"What? you don't seems like to be a good student..." I muttered under my breath as I take a gulp angrily

I caught Hoseok largen his eyes, "W-what? How do you know? And Hey! Its not my plan though, Tae always ask me, tskk." Hoseok scoff, and take a sip.

"So you're a toublemaker then?" That question that let out my mouth made him gasp, and point his finger at me, and he seems speechless, and can't utter a word.

"I-I-i YAH?! I'M NOT!" He shout so loud that I could guess everyone heard it right.

"Why so defensive?" I tease, and he just blush, "AH~! You're not a trouble maker, but a guy who loves to play girls, right?" That said his cheeks redden, "Can we just go swim?" He said and avoid my eyes as he get out of the store, that made me giggle.

As I step out, the bright sun greet us, that it almost blind me, "Let's go?" I ask as I show him my palm of my hands.

He look at my palm confusingly, but after a second he smile, brighten his mood, and he hold my hand, that made me giddy and excited.

At the last! I'm going to forget him! and broke his curse!

The sight turn blurry as the magic water dance around  us, the water found its gravity, and fall, made a splash sound against the muddy ground

"Uhmm, Where are we?" Hoseok ask, as the forest greet us.

"I thought we're going to swim?" That question made me shrug, as I walk after a munite of walk, Hoseok following me, eyes full of curiosity.

Until the cave show, in sight, full of green plants, Can't describe what they can see as Luna muttering something under her breath, and the green plants around the stone cave.

Dance as softly the large rock opened between, Luna step inside, Hoseok step inside too, his forehead was already full of cold sweat

While Luna smiling like a child, "Hoseok welcome to my little World!" That said Hoseok laugj softly laced a nervousity

In the silence and dark cave, Luna walk and walk until, the sound of waterfall can be heard.

Hoseok's sight was greeted by a water fall, and a beautiful nature of the river below.

"WAHH~! Its so beautiful! How can do you know this place?" That question, Luna smile and take a seat in the end of the cave, as her legs was now swaying, the falling water scenery with a comfort and satisfying sound was enough to Hoseok and  take seat beside her, despite his fear of highs.

"I once lived in the lonely and darkness of water, I have a friend, a crowned prince to be exact." Luna start to tell her story.

"Prince of Water?" That question from Hoseok made Luna laugh.

"No dummy, He was a crowned Prince of the Unknown sea called Zakisea around the Kingdom of Zivas, and life is really bad on him, he's magic is not water, a deadly lightning and thunder, that was the magic blood moon gave him.

His Father the king of Zakisea, despite him so much, yet the king feared of him as he was the holder of hurricane." Luna tell as she sigh.

"So how did you find this place" That question made Luna laugh, "Sorry for blabbering, it just I found this because of him." Luna said as her expression can tell how she miss her dear friend.

"The Prince?" Ask by Hoseok made Luna nodded as an answer.

"I found this place when, He found out that his Mother, after abducting his mother, used by those bombing stuff under the ocean, and left his Mother killed, by those humans, called fishermens, But his father who already predict it, do nothing, I was there when the bombing poison accident, and I woke up in that rock" Luna said while pointing at that rock stone in the river, as the water flowing against the rock.

Hoseok nodded with a awe look, "What a hard experience" Hoseok mutter and Luna nodded softly as the memories still replaying in her mind vividly.

Luna stand up and lend her hand to help Hoseok, Hoseok gladly accept it, and stand up safely, he patt his pants to remove the dust.

"So let's go jump and then swim!" Luna said happily, made Hoseok laugh, "I- I can't" Hoseok automatically reject.

"Why? It'll be fun! promise" Luna whined and pleaded infront of Hoseok who's only shaking his head.

"I'm just here, watching you, Enjoy, sweetheart" Hoseok said and nervousingly laugh.

Luna giggle "What Are you scared?" Luna tease as she poke Hoseok waist.

Hoseok froze for a munite as a another memory struck inside his head

"What? Are you scared?" She tease as she poke my side waist, Yoongi watching the scene, as he sleeping yet, his ears was up, listening.

"Ah no thanks, please enjoy yourself"

"How would I enjoy it? If I'm alone?!" She whined and pout.

"Fine.." Yoongi's ears stand up, made him gulp

"Now let's jump!" She hold my hand and jump with me.

"No.. I-I mean Yes" Hoseok stuttered, too foreign for him to lie.

"You're lying! Let's jump!" Luna said and push Hoseok to the end of the cave, "Ready? G-" Luna was cut off by a unknown bird.

The bird is kinda look ill, as its feather falling, yet it save Hoseok dear life.

But Luna gasp, her eyes widen, the unknown bird, looked at her way after hearing her gasp.

Hoseok who was having a panic attack, can't process what's happening.

Luna fell out of cave, the water hits her skin, as the bird flew, trying to save her.

The bird jump and dive his less feather wings burns into fire, its innocent eyes, sharpen into seriousness. A phoenix.

As the second past, still falling, seems like the time slowed, and the phoenix changed its form, its becoming a human?!

A famillar guy, was a phoenix? his fist burning, he catch her made her gasp.

All along this stranger infront of me, was is the someone I know all along.

"Ash Edward Park?" Luna mutter, Jimin smirked.

The water hits their skin, as tehy falling in the deep river.

Luna hug Jimin, as Jimin wrap his arms around her protectively.

Luna's legs turn into siren purple night tails.

Her arms wrap around his neck, And Jimin was left dumbstruck under the water.

"You'll be mine"

Their lips touch, as Jimin eyes largen, and only word running inside his mind was, mate. mate. mate.

He close his eyes, and submit, under the water, foreign spell can't be seen, yet eating him

Kissing someone, is like your playing with fire, a fire that can burn your heart-, a burning deadly poison, that will make forget and ease all the memories shared.

Luna smirked under the water


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