Chapter 14

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A/N - There is smut in this chapter!!


To sum up the night, You hadn't come back to Yoongi the whole day, and he was terribly lonely surrounded by a bunch of people who he didn't know, but seemed to know everything about him.

Jimin stuck to him. but he didn't exactly mind that part, Jimin was cute. Like a tiny chick.

But he was missing you terribly.

There was a Y/N sized imprint on the side of his body, where you had left him.

His hand was feeling lonely, and his tongue was itching to say the word 'baby'.

But he couldn't exactly call Karl Erwinhauser 'baby', now could he? That would end up somewhere neither you nor Yoongi wanted.

And so he was left there, half pretending to listen to Karl, while blatantly staring at you and Honkdick from across the room.

he whispered some weird shit into your ear, probably a joke about aztec construction techniques, and watched as you threw your head back in laughter.

Yoongi could make you laugh too.

He was funny too.

wasn't he?

His hand was placed on the small of your back all afternoon, and Yoongi was so ready to smack it off.

Didn't the manchild know not to touch women without their consent?


The presentation was pretty boring, no specific speciality in the info. pretty self explanatory, nothing new.

This convention was quite, dare he say, pointless.

Except for Jiminie, there was no good thing that had happened all day, and he was itching to go back to the hotel and just cuddle.

But no.

He wasn't that easy.

He wasn't just gonna be ignored and then taken back like the buttered bread from two days ago.

"Why aren't you speaking to me?"

You called out to Yoongi, who was striding multiple paces ahead of you on your way back to the hotel.

No response.

"Yoon, please. What did I do wrong?"


He shoved the key card into the hole and opened the door.

Still nothing.

"Baby please."

His head whipped around, and he came to face you.

"Who are you calling 'baby'?" his voice came out stern.

You sucked in a breath, "You, baby."

His dark eyes watching your every move, Voice deepening, causing your face to heat up immensely "You sure it's not Hongjun, that you're calling 'baby'?"


"Oh so this is what it's about?" You resisted the urge to burst out laughing, "You jealous boy. There was nothing going on with him! I told him we were married."

You wrapped your arms around his neck, everything seemed so much more intimate. Affection seemed so natural now.

His mouth hung open.

"You said we were married."


"You called me your husband?"

Stained Glass - MYG x Reader II COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now