Chapter 7

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Privo's was known to be the place that people went when the library was shut and they needed somewhere to be all night. The only truly 24/7 cafe in town, and you were very glad that their menu was also quite worthy of the hype, you could've used a few coffee's that night.

After grumbling the entire drive to the quaint cafe, you parked right in front of the door and made your way inside. The warm fairy lights being the main source of light in the place, you noticed that there was barely anyone there anyways. So at least that's something. It's nice that you could have a little more privacy if you wanted to kill the cucumber that was Min Yoongi.

Your eyes flitted over to the cucumber in question, who was anxiously biting his nails in the corner of the room. You took a deep breath and made your way over to him.

His eyes widened slightly when he finally acknowledged that you had arrived. It seemed that he was contemplating whether or not to stand up and greet you, his chair moving back and forth a couple times, but eventually he decided to just gesture for you to sit on the seat in front of him.

"Hey." He breathed out. This was one of the very rare occasions where Min Yoongi actually looked tired. His fatigue, the wrinkles around his eyes, the creases in his forehead, the oil build up in his hair.

Not in an aesthetician way. But you noticed it.

And it seemed genuine, real, he was baring it all to you in a final fit of true helplessness.

You didn't understand how to approach the situation, didn't know whether to be sharp with your walls up, or understanding and left defenseless.

That's when you realized, whatever the problem was, it was serious.

"Uh, Hi. Did I keep you waiting?" You tried to sound sincere, and the lack of hostility aimed towards him made his head snap at you.

It almost seemed awkward that you guys weren't screaming at each other.

But it was obvious, there was no energy to scream tonight.

Only so you didn't make a scene and draw attention to yourselves at 11PM on a Friday night.

"No, no. Not at all."

You made your way to sit down, and made yourself comfortable. Only to find him staring at you,

He started talking again, with a light shake of his head, "By the way, uh, you didn't need to dress up." He gestured to your outfit.

You looked down at yourself in response, you were in jeans and a tank top, that barely passed as fancy, but then you looked up at his outfit, and the cogs fit together perfectly.

He was literally in ducky pajamas, and was wearing crocs with insulation fleece on the inside. He looked adorable, if that was appropriate to say. But also it was obvious whatever the matter was, it was urgent.

"Listen Yoongi, if you wanted to do this another time-"

"No! No, uh I mean no. I'm sorry I'm just genuinely exhausted today, and I don't have the energy to barely even be mean to you like usually," That made you snort, "But we need to get this done."

He moved to open up his plans. The rolled up sheets had tiny little details on them, the main layout and briefing looking extra sleek, but tiny touches of him that screamed 'yoongi' brightened up the page.

A scribble here, underlining there, the key on the side. Everything was just so typically him.

You told yourself, you were only tolerating him not to make a scene. Nothing else.

Not because of the way soft puffs of air were leaving his mouth in tiny frustrated huffs.

Not because of the way he was twiddling with his fingers, visibly fighting the urge to bring them up to his mouth, trying not to bite his nails.

Not because of the way his lips were in a tired pout.

Definitely not because of the pout.

You told yourself over and over again.

"So with what was decided at the pre-plan meeting with the mayor, my sketch contains the basic three buildings, with the two twin ones and then the main entry one. All named right wing, left wing, and centre respectively," You nodded along to his explanation, he was saying nothing that was unfamiliar to you, everything reflecting your own work to a T, "The original plan was to have the edwardian segment as the main attraction, rather than the post-modern stuff, which is also why I advised you against baroque-"

You interrupted him, "But why? Don't you specialize in post-modern work?"

Yoongi had talent. And handfuls and bunches of it, his work was nothing to ignore, it was a sight to see. But it made no sense, why overlook his own abilities in one set genre and base the whole theme off of something completely different? Especially when it came to a scale and project as massive as this.

Not the first time he would do something like this though, you thought bitterly,

I guess old habits die hard, don't they?

"Yeah, but now we have to scrap all of that." His eyes were trained onto the coffee in front of him.

"What! What do you mean?! We put so much hard work into this,"

"Yeah, but the mayors decided that the main theme has to be 'modern botanical architecture'." Yoongi practically spat the sentence out.

'Botanical architecture' definitely didn't sound the same as 'do whatever you want with $800 million'.

Your hands shot up to your hair in shock, "oh my god," your mouth hung open, "I'm gonna have to start all over again."

He started chuckling darkly, "Wait, wait that's not even the best part. Have you watched the latest James Bond movie?"

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as to why this was relevant, "Yeah why?"

"You remember the circular garden Rami Malek was growing illegal poison in?"

Your mouth dropped to the floor,

"You're kidding."

"Wish I was kidding Y/N."

"There's no way he wants us to replicate that."

"No no you've got it all wrong," He corrected you, shifting in his seat into a more comfortable position for criticism, "Not replication. He wants us to make a bigger one."

While the actual concept behind the circular garden was quite simple, and was also quite easy to execute, the upkeep, location, and essence was all very hard to keep track of.

The original building structure plan was made so that there were multiple levels and floors to each of the three buildings, meaning that if the circular garden were to be installed, then it would either have to be on the topmost floor, or on the ground floor but with direct access to sunlight from above.

It wasn't possible to make a sort of greenhouse building with the sole purpose of housing this garden, because the property adjacent to the museum's allocated plot of land, was privately owned by some big hotshot, and you guys had no jurisdiction over how to acquire that land.

"If you're thinking about installing it onto the top floor of the center building, then I'm afraid that's not possible." He broke you out of your thoughts, "I already spoke to our contractors, and they said that if it's not literal replication, but instead an expanded version, which is what the mayor is asking for, then the sheer amount of water weight in the center most circle would be too much for the water pipes to hold as it travels down. It's like the most bass boosted version of an artificial pond ever."

Your biggest fear had just come true.

"We're going to have to start from scratch,"

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