Chapter 8

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"Call him."

"Yoongi, It's seven in the morning. I doubt the mayor is gonna be awake at this time."

"Nacho, when the hell else is he going to be doing at this time other than run the country?"

"He's the mayor not the President. Did you sleep through the mandatory poli-sci class in second year?" You sneered at the nickname,

It had been two days since the Night of Chaos™, And all in all you guys were not coping well. Emotionally that is.

Work wise, you were doing just fine, right on track with where you should have been in terms of planning for a project that was already a month into the making. Completely looking past the fact that you've remolded two different individual plans that were already nowhere near each other on the scale of similarity, into a third, off the scale, plan. In less than 50 hours.

Physically you looked like hot messes. Hair pointing in every odd direction, teeth an interesting shade of yellow, and you were wearing crumpled clothes. There was no doubt that all the random people on the street that you had passed sure thought that you had gotten a good lay before showing up.

If only they knew how inaccurate that was.

"Don't sass me, Y/N. Just do it."

You rolled your eyes dramatically. He wasn't your father, you didn't have to listen to him.

And yet your hand moved to dial the number on the office phone,

Yoongi nodded in agreement, "Good girl."

One shock sent all the way down your spine.

What the actual fu-

Were you really that desperate to get laid that you found that arousing?!

You looked up in surprise at him from your seat in the office chair as he stood next to you, leaning on the desk.

Your mouth opened to say something, anythi-

"Hello, this is Mayor Yeom's office. How may I help you today?" A deep but youthful voice broke through the speaker of the phone,

You cleared your throat, " Hi, This is Y/N L/N, I'm looking to spe-"

A loud crash came from the other side of the line, You looked up at Yoongi who was still leaning over the back of your chair,

"Ah! Beomgyu-ah what the fu- Ma'am I'm so sorry, just two seconds." The voice calls out again, and some weird strangling sounds come out of the speaker once more, before, "Hi! Yes, Sorry Ms. Ma'am, I'm transferring your call right now, please hold-"

You can hear Yoongi chuckle lightly at the assistant calling you 'Ms. Ma'am'.

His deep chuckle sent another wave of muted shocks down the length of your spine.

Okay thATS IT.

What the hell was the matter with you?

Before you could even make a second of eye contact with him, finally,the voice of the man of the hour breaks through the speaker,

"Ms. L/N! So nice to hear from you, How are you and Mr. Min doing?"

"Oh! We're quite okay actually, how are yo- what?" Out of the corner of your eye you can see your partner in so called crime gesture something extremely vague to you,

"Hurry it up, Y/N."

"It's common courtesy, I'm just asking how his day was-"

"Well yeah, but the tim-"

"Uh hello?" The Mayor's voice broke you and Yoongi both out of your little bubble,

"Yes- uh- sorry, yes Sir, Mr Mayor- sir." There was only laughter in response to your word vomit from the other side, "Mayor Yeom, is it possible that the case may be that you've just watched the latest James Bond movie?"

Chuckles spilled out of the mayor's throat, "Ah, so I see, Mr. Min has already informed you. Well, the answer is yes. My wife and I watched it on Friday night, and I thought it was absolutely fantastic! We want it to be grand right? Well what's grander than this?"

Your eyes were wide in disbelief, "But Mr Mayor-"

"But nothing! Also, I was going to call you anyways, There's an architectural convention in Sydney that's happening in a week. You and Min are going, no excuses. We have the country's best two architects in our town and you think I'm not gonna show them off? No way."

You were red with shock now, and frankly Yoongi was starting to get a little worried. The phone wasn't on speaker and he could only hear a few syllables at a time, but by the looks of it your nostrils were flaring and your eyes were about to pop out of there sockets and he didn't know if it was in anger or if you were having an allergic reaction.

"Mr Mayor! I'm sorry but we can't just drop everyth-" You tried once more,

"Like I said! But nothing, I'll have Soobin email you all the details," Nonchalantly as ever, Mayor Yeom completely waves you off.

"And for heaven's sake Y/N, try to have fun. And from the gossip I've heard from Lorenzo, my chauffeur, it seems that you and Yoongi are messing around with each other anyways, think of it as a pre-wedding honeymoon. You're young! Live a little would you? Toodles!"

And with that he cut the call.

You were on the verge of passing out.

What the heck had just happened.

Yoongi looked down at you as you sat there open mouthed gazing into space, "What?"

"Min. Are we messing around?"

"I'm sorry wHAT?!" Yoongi jumped back in shock, almost out of breath, leaning on the glass wall behind him.

"The Mayor's sending us to fucking Australia. Next week."

Yoongi was seriously about to choke, what on earth were you blabbering about?

"Why the hell is he doing that?! Miss Cheesy, I'm really not following this time,"

You looked up at him, eyes still not completely focused, "For our honeymoon."

The old Yoongi can't come to the phone right now.

Oh, why?

Cause he's fucking dead.

Stained Glass - MYG x Reader II COMPLETEDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن