"We thought you chickened out, Stretchy Man," Trickster said.

"Actually, I did. See, I thought I was pretty much invincible until you and your oversized water pistol put the fear of God in me," Stretchy Man said.

"You're welcome," Trickster said with a smile.

"And I was ready to throw in the towel. But then I visited a friend of mine," Stretchy Man said and Supergirl glanced upon him again. "And he helped me remember that no one is fearless. But real heroes, they find a way to rise above that fear and make a difference anyway, even if it kills them in the process," and Supergirl smiled at him, recognizing the words of Barry behind his tone. "So, this is me, rising up. Hopefully without the dying part. Now let my friends go."

Obnoxiously, Prank and Trickster applauded while Supergirl stared at them annoyed. "First of all, great speech. So inspired, it melted my heart," Prank said.

"Oh, thank you, I worked on it on the way over," Stretchy Man said with a smile.

"Now, let's melt yours," Prank said before she and Trickster giggled. "Shoot him, boo-boo!"

Trickster grabbed the gun and started shooting at Stretchy Man, but he immediately backed up, grabbing hold of two walls, stretching all the way back. He then suddenly let go, which slung him forward, and he kicked down Trickster to the ground. Prank gasped seeing what happened to her son. "Oh, boo-boo!"

Stretchy Man then gave Prank a stern look, surprising the three heroes. "I'd give up if I were you," he said.

"How about I melt your friends instead?" Prank asked before she pulled the lever, and Supergirl gasped.

"Harry, now."

"I don't got it."


"No!" Stretchy Man yelled before he ran up onto the stage and pushed Prank down.

"Say good-bye to your little friends," she said.


Supergirl looked above her to see the pink substance beginning to pour out of the shower. She then closed her eyes, cringing up, waiting for the end — but it didn't.

Stretchy Man stretched over the three, taking the hit, and screamed out in pain. But suddenly stopped, feeling nothing. "It doesn't hurt. It doesn't hurt!" He exclaimed, before laughing. "I'm not dying," he then stretched his neck underneath him to face the three. "Why am I not dying?"

"Because I got it."

"Yes, nice work!"

Stretchy Man then stretched himself back to normal, a big smile on him. "I'm going to live, whoo!" He exclaimed but then caught Prank trying to escape. "Oh, don't even think about running."

Then he looked back at the three heroes, waiting for him. "Anytime," Vibe muttered.

"Okay, uh, you got any scissors anywhere?" Stretchy Man asked.


Once the police and news media arrived to the scene, Prank and Trickster were arrested by Detective Joe West, who dragged them to a police car. "You know what they say, detective? The family that slays together stays together," Prank said.

"Yeah, in prison," Joe said.

"Hey, come on. You can't keep a Trickster behind bars for long," Trickster said.

"Oh, we'll see about that," Joe said.

"You were amazing," Trickster said to his mom. "Can we do it again in ten to fifteen years?"

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now