Potions and Presents - 4

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Our first classes went pretty smoothly, with the teachers handing out syllabuses and talking about the expected class curriculum. Harry and Ron had managed to be late to Transfiguration. It was fairly amusing as they had assumed they had made it to class before professor McGonagall when in fact she had been sitting at her desk, transfigured as a cat the entire time.

I was most excited about Potions class. Not only was it the subject that most interested me as I glanced through our textbooks, but I had heard the rumors about how our Head of House, Professor Snape, favored the students in his house.

A door slammed open as our professor entered, jolting us all into silence as he stalked to the front of the class. "There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few..." I notice as he glanced in our direction. Draco and I looked at each other, small but proud smirks on our face. "who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death."

Potions was quickly becoming my favorite subject.

"Then again," I noticed a hint of irritation in the professor's voice. "Maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not. pay. attention."

I turned my head and looked past Draco. On the other side of the room was Harry Potter. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle snickering as Snape singled out the most famous in our year.

After the small disruption, Snape had us split into pairs and start working on a cure for boils.

"Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Cytheria," Professor Snape said, making his way to stand over us. I looked at him nervously as he inspected our work. "Class, please notice how this pair perfectly stewed their horn slugs." He looked down with a faint hint of a smile on his lips. "Five points each to Slytherin."

Shortly after was our study period. Crabbe and Goyle sat to the opposite of us, while I sat with Draco on my right and Daphne Greengrass, whom I befriended the previous night while getting my trunk unpacked, on my left.

We were working together on transfiguration homework when the mail came in. Draco's eagle owl flew down, two packages landing neatly in front of us. Our name was written in Narcissa's flourished handwriting. We looked at each other, grinning before grabbing our respective gifts and ripping the paper carelessly.

We each had velvet boxes with a note. I read my note first:


"Congratulations on making Slytherin! I am so proud that you are in the same house I was in at Hogwarts. I am sure that you will make me even prouder in the coming years. As we discussed before, I have charmed a necklace for you and a ring for Draco. They are connected, so if Draco ever gets into trouble you will know. Please keep it on you at all times.

"Miss you terribly,


I folded the note so nobody could see it, then opened the black velvet box. Inside was a small pear-shaped emerald pendant, surrounded by small white diamonds. The necklace and chain were both set in a platinum setting.

"That's beautiful!" Daphne said, looking over my shoulder at the necklace. "Who sent it to you?"

"My..." I didn't quite have a simple title to describe Narcissa and mine's relationship. "Draco's mother. His father and mine are friends." I said.

I looked at Draco, who was wearing a signet ring with the Slytherin crest on his right hand. He showed it off to me proudly. "Guess Mum's happy we're both in Slytherin."

Smiling brightly, I nodded. "I guess so." Taking the necklace out of the box, I put it around my neck and attempted to get it hooked, but failed to manage it.

"I've got it," Draco said grabbing the chain from me and efficiently hooking it. I felt for it and confirmed it was secure before smiling at him in thanks.

"Look, Neville's got a Remembrall," we overheard a table over. I looked over to see Neville Longbottom with a small glass ball in his hand. I notice the smoke inside turned red, and he stared at it, surely trying to figure out what he'd forgotten.

My necklace tingled lightly, and briefly after Draco got up from his seat. Crabbe and Goyle had rounded the table to flank behind him. 

I quickly excused myself to Daphne as I noticed they were heading straight toward Neville. The tingling intensified when Draco grabbed the Remembrall straight out of Neville's hands, prompting Harry and Ron to jump from their seats.

"Draco, stop!" I said. He barely glanced at me with an eyebrow raised, then went back to inspecting the Remembrall, effectively ignoring me.

"What's going on?" I heard Professor McGonagall. I looked back to see that she was right behind me, practically towering over me.

"Malfoy's got my Remembrall, Professor."

He glared at me and tossed the Remembrall back in Neville's direction, and the tingling stopped. "I was just looking," he said before he walked away with Crabbe and Goyle.

I sat down next to Harry. "Sorry 'bought that Neville."

"What've you got to be sorry for?" Neville said, "You helped."

"Why do you hang out with Malfoy anyway," Harry asked me. "You two don't seem.... alike."

I gave a small smile. "He's a family friend. We practically grew up together."

Ron chuckled. "Bit of an understatement isn't. Haven't your families been friends for centuries? At least that's what my dad's said."

I looked at him and nodded, then back at Harry. "It's kind of in our blood," I said with an apologetic smile.

Harry rolled his eyes, his disdain for Draco apparent on his face. "Well if you ever need a break from him, you're welcome to hang out with us."

I smiled and laughed slightly. "I might just take you up on that offer, Potter."

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