Flying through your fears💍🛫

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Bey's POV
Bey: Christopher what in the hell??
Chris: after seeing you read those stupid comments, it made me wanna show you that we can face our fears together and that no person no thing can scare us.
Bey: and you think SKYDIVING was the best option?? Chris I'm gonna die!
Chris: no you ain't.
Bey: ughhhh atleast I'll be with a professional right?
He gives a nervous smile.
Bey: I'm gonna be strapped to you aren't I? Oh god!!! Baby, I can't do this.
Chris: baby yea you can!!! You can! Stop doubting your abilities. You're the most badass lady I know.
Bey: did y'all atleast tell him before hand what to do?!
Crew: yes we did. He knows.
Bey: If we survive, you betta take me to dinner Heffa.
Chris: haha I will.
Crew member: aww wish I had a man as nice as yours
Bey: oh girl there plenty out there don't you worry.
There's 5 crew members who are goin down this us.
Pilot: OK We're high enough!!!
Bey: ooh my gooooood!!!!
They strap me to Chris and he's on top.
Bey: don't be gettin any ideas on the way down young man.
Chris: can't make promises.
We put our goggles on and they open the door. I'm actually gonna die. Like I lived a good life I guess and my life is flashing before my eyes.
Crew member 2: OK GO GO GO!!! WHOOOOOOHHHH!!!*jumps*
I scream on the top of my lungs and Chris leans us out of the plane and we are in the air. Holy crap!!! This is actually thrilling!!! I start yelling in fear and fun.
It's actually a beautiful sight. All go sudden, I see everyone putting their parashoots on. I also feel like there's something Chris is not telling me.
Chris: OH SHIT!!!
My heart drops.
Chris: I CANT REACH!!!!
I scream in pure fear and then all of a sudden, we fly back up in the air with the parashoot. I turn and give him a dirty ass look.
Chris: I got us baby don't worry*laughs*
Bey: oh you fuckin asshole!! My god! Chris it's so beautiful up here!!
Chris: not as beautiful as the woman infront of my crotch. Damn yo ass is nice and thick.
Bey: I figured that wasn't the backpack poking me down there.
We laugh. We take in the moment and finally get down.
Bey: wait a sec, Chris is that our family? What is goin on?
We get to the ground and see them circling around with their phones screaming. Aww!
We get to the ground and the crew comes over making sure we're good and helping us out of the back pack.
Bey: hey! What are y'all doing here??
Solo: turn around sista!
I turn and ooohhh myyy gooood!!! My man is on one knee. I immediately start bawling my eyes out. He's sweating like crazy. Can't tell if it's cause of him on his knee rn or the sky dive we just took.
Chris: Beyoncé Giselle Knowles. There's no doubt in my mind that you are and always have been the one for me. I've never been so sure of somethin in my life. We are each other's ride or dies. The day I met you, I knew you were gonna be the one. The one who changed me for the better. The amount of love I have for you and your family is real and I wanna spend every single day with you. I love you with all my heart and wanna grow old with you. I know in my heart that we're good for each other and meant to be. So Beyonce Knowles, please, will you marry me?

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