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Chris POV
As I wait for Bey to come back from her doctors, I go outside and go through town just dancing, enjoying life cause my future wifey and my family and her family are all happy. As I continue to dance, people start making a circle around me.

I dance for what felt like hours

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I dance for what felt like hours. Once I start to head back home, I get stopped by this guy.
Person: hello, my name is Jared from Colombia records.
No. Fucking. Way.
Chris: *shakes his hand* hello, nice to meet you. My name is Chris.
Jared: well Chris, it seems like you've got really good talent. Do you also sing or rap or...?
Chris: I do both and actually both my girl Beyonce and I have been trying to find a record label for a while now but have been doing dance classes ontop of it.
Jared: well that's good. You've got real star power I can tell when I see. Let's have a meeting and interview say tomorrow at 12pm? It'll be at the Colombia Records building on South St.
Chris: ok perfect! Is it cool if my girl comes too? She's really got the best moves and voice too.
Jared: um well sure. So see you there?
Chris: absolutely sir omg! Thank you so much man I appreciate it!
Jared: no problem! See ya tmr!
He walks away and I somersault and run home. I go inside and talk to my momma.
Momma J: OMG! That's amazing baby!!!*hugs Chris* Did you tell him about your girlfriend too?
Chris: yes and he said she can come too😁
Momma J: aww I'm so happy for you baby. You outta go tell ya girl now.
Chris: I am😁
I head over to Beyoncé's house and looks like she just got home too. I bust in through the house and Beyoncé and Momma T both screamed as they were putting away groceries.
Momma T: boy pls knock from now on! My damn heart!
Chris: sorry momma T, but I have great news. *runs to Beyoncé and hugs her and lifts her into the air*SOMEONE FROM COLOMBIA RECORDS WANTS TO SEE US!
Chris: OG baby!
Bey: OMG!
Momma T: aww yay! Congratulations guys!*gives Both a hug*
Momma T: but what song are y'all gonna sing? I mean, have you guys ever written your own songs?
Both: yes!
We both get our song book and start practicing in her bedroom. After what felt like hours, I see a shadow under our door. I get up and open the door and see both our families putting there ears twoards our door.
Momma J: sorry y'all, but yo momma Tina said y'all were singing beautifully. There's no way they'll turn ya guys down!
Bey: aww thank you!
Chris: you really think so?
Momma J: I know so baby. And if not, there are many other labels out there.
Next Day...
Bey's POV
It's 9:00 and I wake up with Chris right next to me. I place kisses all over his face and he wakes up.
Bey: good morning my future baby daddy! Today is the day! You ready? Cause I am
Chris: good morning my future baby momma. And yea I'm ready!
We get up and get dressed. He brought over a nice outfit to change in. At this point, we should just get our own place. We both dress up nice and our parents were downstairs having coffee. We rehearse for the next hour and my voice is getting shot. Our moms wish us luck and we go and the Record building is huge! Chris parks the car and we look at eachother.
Bey: I'm so nervous baby!
Chris: *kisses her* we're goin in together. Don't worry. I'll be right here with you. And like our mommas said, it's not like this is the only record label out there. Even though, it has many celebs on their but we'll be fine no matter what. We've got this baby.
Bey: Youre right. How did I get so lucky?
Chris: I ask myself that question every day.
We kiss again and walk into the building. We get to the front desk and say we have a meeting and we are right on time. His office is on 4th floor and we take the elevator up. We squeeze each others hands and kiss. We walk out and sit in the waiting room. As soon as we sit, Jared comes out.
Chris POV
Jared comes out of his huge office and with others along beside him.
Jared: ah! Chris! My man! *daps him* and who's this fine young lady?
Chris: this is my girlfriend Beyonce.
Bey: it's so nice to meet y'all
Jared: pleasure is mine. Now, we're gonna start off with Chris. Beyoncé, would you mind waiting out here for just a moment?
Bey: sure ofc good luck baby! You got this!
Chris: thank you baby*kiss*
We walk into a meeting room but with a twist. There's a small stage on the one side of the room.
Jared: ok. You guys are gonna love this. Chris. I would like for you to get up on stage and show us some of your dancing skills.
They play Michael Jackson songs and I do a dancing skit that I've been rehearsing for a while now. Once the songs were over, I still had a bunch of energy surprisingly but that's the adrenaline for the singing part of this audition. The guys and Jared clapped for me.
Jared: Christopher Brown, that was awesome! Star quality here guys. Now let's see if he can sing.
I sing my song "with you". And I finish the song and they stand up and clap.
Chris: omg! Are you serious?!!
Jared: as a heart attack! Wouldn't you all agree guys?!
Guy 2: oh for sure! Ladies will love him-
Chris: well my lady who is outside might have to beat up a few🤣
We all laugh. We get out and Beyoncé looked so nervous but her smile brightens when she saw Jared rubbing my back.
Chris: baby!! I've got the deal!!
Bey: omg! I knew you would get it!
I hug her and spin her around.
Jared: alright young lady; let's see what you've got. After your audition, we'll just have Chris sign a few contract and give some info and go from there.
Chris: you've got this baby!*kisses him*
Bey's POV
Oh god I'm so nervous and my throat is hurting. The guys sit in the chair and I feel the pressure. Almost like the pressure of when mom and dad was making get straight A's or else disappointment kind of feeling. I just breath and remember that Chris is in the other room. Supporting me. They wanted me to dance for them so I did my dance routine to Whitney Houston songs. They looked shocked jaws open. The song stops and they stood up and clapped.
Jared: START FUCKING QUALITY DANCING RIGHT THERE! Uh! I can't wait to hear your voice.
I start singing the song I made: "Dangerously in Love" . The song was written about Chris. And this is where things took a turn for the worst. I couldn't hold my notes up all the way and I never, ever voice crack and I had a slight and minor voice crack throughout the song. My vocal cords are shot. Nonono! I see their faces and they are not amused. I finish the song and sigh in frustration and embarrassment.
Bey: I'm so sorry guys. I usually can sing and hold my notes a lot better. It's just I've been practicing soo many times.
Jared: I'm so sorry, but we just don't see your potential in singing today. I'm sorry. But you make a great dancer and could be a back up dancer for Chris.
Bey: *tears up* well thank you for your time.
All the guys look away in akwardness. I step outside and I straighten my face and smile with my lips in. I see Chris and his smile suddenly turns to a frown.
Jared: we're sorry Chris, but she just didn't cut it for us today. But would make a great back up dancer.
Chris: *hugs Bey* oh guys please! I gaurentee that she sings beautifully!! Maybe another so-
Jared: listen, we understand that she is your girlfriend and you love her to death. But we just don't really see that star quality.
Bey: baby, it's ok. This is what you've dreamed of since a little kid. I'll find somewhere else-
Chris: but baby, I want to be on the sa-
Bey: Christopher, don't you dare even think about closing out on a huge opportunity cause I didn't cut it. You're going to take this record deal whether I sign or you sign it.
He stares at me in the eyes. I sighs. And then smiles.
Chris: ok, I'll do it!
Bey&Jared: YAYYY!!!!😁🥳
Chris: thank you all soo much! I can't believe this. It's what I've been dreaming of since a lil kid.
Bey: you deserve and earn this baby.
He kisses me and he goes into their office and starts signing away. As I sit outside, I just ponder. I'm so happy for Chris, but they said I don't have "star quality". Is there a problem how I look? Is this childhood dream of mine just a fantasy? But I can't think so selfishly. My baby just got a record deal. And I couldn't be more proud. My throat keeps hurting and I had a feeling I blew my chance even before the audition. I should've known when to stop practicing. After 40 minutes of signing paper work, Chris finally comes out and shakes Jared hand.
Jared: ok. We'll see you in the studio next week and I'll keep in touch*hands him card*. Beyoncé, we wish you luck and sorry again.
Bey: it's ok. Thank you for letting me audition.
Jared: ofc.
We walk back to the elevator and Chris seems so sad. Bey: baby, what's wrong?
Chris: you were supposed to get a record deal too. I didn't want just me.
Bey: oh baby. It's fine. I'm not hurt by this. There's soo many other labels out there. Turns out this one just isn't it for me. But I'm soo proud of you baby.
Chris: you know what'll cheer me up even more?
Bey: what's that?
Chris: *body slams and presses against hers*you.
He kisses me and then starts running his hands into panties. I moan in his mouth.
Bey: mm stop baby. Stop! *pushes him away*you're only doing this because you feel bad for me.
Chris: baby, I'm not tryna offend you. At all you know that. I just wanna cheer you u-
Bey: I told you already I'm not upset now drop it!

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