Caught yo ass

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Bey: I knew it

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Bey: I knew it.
Chris POV
I can't even look Bey in the eyes.
Nicole: I think I'll just g-
And yes. My wifey charged after her ass. Not before clocking me in the face.

Oh my baby throwing hands rn

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Oh my baby throwing hands rn. She throw her across the damn room. I had to barge in and break them up. I hold Bey back as she starts sobbing and Nicole runs off. Once she leaves, I let Bey out of my grasp and she pushes me.
Bey: HOW COULD YOU?! When were you going to tell me Christopher?!

I try to hug her but she steps back, looking at me as if I'm a monster

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I try to hug her but she steps back, looking at me as if I'm a monster.
Chris: ok. Here's the truth. Nicole and I fucked for 1 night 2 years ago when she was in a club. And then her place became popular so I hit her up and I told her that you and I wanted to join. You've been gushing about her studio ever since we told each other our dreams. I fucked her 1 time a week as payment.
Bey: Chris, you were my dream.


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Chris: I-I'm so sorry baby. She told me that was the only way we could join. And I saw the smile on your face and-
Bey: I-we're done!*runs out door*
Chris: BABY! WAIT!!
I chase after her.
Bey's POV
Fuck why won't this fucking elevator work faster. I'm waiting by the doors and Chris is coming closer. I give up waiting and turn to go down the stairs but I smash right into him and he pushes me against the wall. He was bawling his eyes out like I am.
Chris: baby! Please! Don't leave! I can't live without you! I promise you I wasn't doing it for fun! Please baby! What can I do to make it up to you?
Bey: absolutely nothing! I fucking hate you!
He slowly starts to back off.
Chris: then I guess I have no choice.
Huh? He grabs his pocket knife from his pocket and puts it up to his throat. I smack it out of his hands.
Chris: I can't live my life without*crying harder*
I run away and I look back and see him staring at me sad.

Chris POVAnd there she go

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Chris POV
And there she go. Ran out of my life. I slowly walk to our room.

Idiot! How do I live without her? I have no family

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Idiot! How do I live without her? I have no family. She was all I had. I sit on the couch and try to comprehend what just happened.
Bey's POV
Bey: momma, I'm so sorrry. You were right all along! *tells her what just happened*
Momma T: ooh baby. I told ya so. Do you have money for a plane ticket?
Bey: yes. I'm booking a flight right now. Do you still love me mom?
Momma T: ofc baby. I've been a mess without you. Come home baby.
Bey: I am.*hangs up*
I book a flight that leaves at 9am this morning. Right now it's 12am. This gon be long night. I'm walking a long a dark road. Comprehending everything that just happened. I loved Chris so fucking much. I can somewhat see what his intentions were but he should've realized that him. Us. We were my dream. Maybe I didn't make that clear enough. I figured something was going on. Safe to say, this is no longer my dream school. Ofc Chris is blowing up my phone but I block his ass. I mean he should've known right from wrong. And it wasn't like he was doing it for pleasure, but he should've told me. That was being unfaithful. But I love him at the same time ugh! 🤦🏾‍♀️why is love so damn complicated?? I mean he is my first true love and he took my virginity away. And man I'll miss that dick. Shit. I requested an Uber and he said he could only pick me up at the hotel. Shit, I really hope Chris ain't out side. I jog back to the hotel when I see a whole bunch of ambulances and police. Oh god. I run up to one of the police.
Bey: excuse me sir, what happened?
Nicole: everyone there she is!!!
Police: ma'm put your hands behind your back, you're under arrest for causing harm to Christopher Brown.
Bey: whhaaatt??
I'm confused. They put me in the car, and I see Chris bloody body on a stretcher. Omg! He's dead?! And oooh I'm bout to kill this bitch! Nonono I feel sick. The police drive me away. I cry until I put myself to sleep. I wake up in a holding cell.
Chris POV
I wake up in the hospital. If so damn bright. All I remember is drinking my problems away, and then I look down at my wrist.
Momma J: oh my baby! *kisses his forehead*
Chris: momma, I-what happened?
Momma J: this lovely girl named Nicole said she found you intoxicated with slit wrist. She gave the police my phone number and I took. Direct flight to here. Lemme guess, that tramp Beyoncé did this to you. I told you Chris, she ain't no good. Look where you are now bc of her. Nicole saved your damn life, you outta start datin her
Chris: no mom. There's no one like Beyoncé. I've been having an affair with Nicole for 2 weeks so that I can pay for me and Beyoncé to be in her studio. Bey caught us and well, went straight to shit from there.
Momma J: and she left you for that? What a hoe!
Chris: watch yo mouth momma! I did this to myself because she is the reason I breath! She's everything to me! And ain't no one will replace her!
Momma J: now watch yo mouth!
Chris: sorry momma but you got the wrong idea abt this girl!
2 weeks later...
Bey's POV
Well I'm officially back home at college. Again. I'm forgetting my dreams about music and dance. Imma just sit behind a computer desk forever and ever. Dreaming about what I could've been doin. I'm back to the classes I was in before. Chris friends were all there mean mugging me while my girls Kelly and Michelle had my back and mean mugged back. I have no idea where Chris is and mom bailed me outta jail. According to the police, Chris was fine afterwards and I haven't seen him since seeing him on the stretcher. I was walking in the halls when I bumped into so-shit.

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