Chapter Twenty - Breathless

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Third POV

TW: child abuse, attempted murder, strangulation

Micheal stood in front of Evan, wanting to protect him. He was weaker and smaller than William, which gave him a huge disadvantage if anything we're to happen to them.

"Evan, come give your father a hug." William put his arms out, keeping up an innocent act that his son's didn't fall for.

"Don't." Micheal whispered to Evan, not wanting him to get hurt by the hands of the shit bag of a father before them.

Annoyed, William glared at Micheal. He let his act down, knowing he didn't need to pretend to be kind or caring with Micheal. It was easy for him to not care for him, after all he had hated Micheal for a long time.

"And why are you protecting him? Do you really think you're strong enough to do anything?" William walked closer, only for his son's to back away.

"I've killed Cassidy, you know, the little MVP and captain of your highschool's baseball team? She did try to fight back, which was pretty fucking annoying, but I killed her. With her own bat too. So, if I can kill her, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to kill you with so much ease."

Micheal stared at the man in purple, terrified. He knew Cassidy, she was strong and fast, she won in every fight she was in and helped her team win many games. She was just a freshman but had so much potential that was taken away by William. It was hard to believe that Cassidy had been killed, Micheal wanted to think she would have escaped but it had been weeks since her disappearance and she was still no where to be seen.

"Oh come on, nothing to say? No smart ass comments?" William was now standing right in front of Micheal, who had no room to back up anymore.

Micheal kept his silence, knowing no matter what he said he would end up getting hit. He knew that's what William wanted, an excuse to slap his son again.

"Mike?" Evan whispered, close to breaking into tears again. He was so scared, he didn't understand a single but of what was happening.

William looked down at Evan, frowning as he saw the bandage on his forehead and bruise surrounding it.

"What did you to Evan?" William turned his attention back to Micheal, anger rising in him again as he grabbed his son by his throat.

"N-nothing," Micheal muttered out, trying to not move or do anything to anger his father any further.

Sadly, this has happened before. Usually William would let go after yelling at him, but something wasn't right her. William's grip only tightened around Micheal's throat.

"Please let go," Micheal whispered, keeping himself from struggling so it wouldn't get worse.

"No." William now had both hands around Micheal's neck, "I'm going to do something I should have done a long time ago."

"No no n-" Micheal began choking and gasping for any air as William strangled him.

William had done this before, to one of the five kids he killed. He knew it would be long and painful, and he enjoyed every second of it. Though Micheal started trying to get free, he tried to push William away but he wasn't strong enough. No matter how many times he hit and kick in attempt to be able to breath again, William didn't let go.

Evan couldn't do any but watch and pull on Williams shirt as he cried, "stop! Stop! You're hurting him!"

Of course William didn't listen to his son pleading for him to let Micheal go. Why would he listen though? He wanted to kill his son and didn't have any reason to stop himself. The man had no sort of sympathy, no remorse, nothing but a desire to kill for fun and for more remnant.

Micheal's struggles to get free slowly stopped as he focused more on trying to stay conscious. He couldn't let himself pass out, if he did then he wouldn't be able to protect Evan or stop him from being taken away by William. Still, his vision began to fade to black as he passed out.

Just on time though, Henry got back. Immediately rushing over in a panic as he saw William. From afar he didn't fully realize the mam was strangling Micheal but he still knew he need to get William away from him.

"William!" Henry yelled, running over and pushing William away from Micheal. He was panicking, unsure of how William would react, only knowing it would end with someone getting hurt.

Micheal fell to the ground, gasping for the fresh air that finally filled his lungs again. He was barely conscious but the relief of being able to breathe again was the best feeling, though now his neck was bruised and his vision was still blurry as it adjusted back to normal.

Evan dropped down next to Micheal and hugged him, still crying and sobbing. The younger brother was shaking, terrified of their father and extremely worried about his older brother.

William glared at Henry, going to attack him only for the shorter man to step out of the way leaving him to stumble.

"Goddammit Henry. Why. Won't. You. Stay. Fucking. Still." William glared down at him, balling up his fists to attack again.

"I-I'm not letting you hurt Micheal or Evan."

Henry was scared shitless. He was facing a murderer, one who wouldn't stop until his victim was dead. What was he supposed to do? He had no strengths to use against William. Other than the fact that he knew some of William's weaknesses. But were they even true? Had William lied about each past injury so he could seem more relatable to Henry?

The man in purple laughed, it was so much more sinister than the times he had laughed at Henry's jokes. God Henry wished he could just go back to a time where be believed his best friend was an innocent man.

"Henry, you're fucking pathetic. You couldn't even protect yourself, hiding behind a door and dodging every attack. All you do is run and hide. I mean, you saw those kids and ran right to me. Even then you ran away to here! Just like Micheal and Evan, pretending to be little runaways, knowing that I would find them."

During William's little monologue, Micheal had gotten the strength to stand up and quietly pick up a big stick. It was heavy enough to knock someone out, which was perfect.

"And you know the funniest part of this all is-"

Micheal cut off William by whacking him over the head, dropping the stick next to him as William fell over.

"God you talk so fucking much."

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