Chapter Eight - Too Fast

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Third POV

Another morning, another breakfast of toast and eggs. Micheal had the morning shift so he was in a bit of a rush. That and he wanted to plan something for Evan since his birthday was the next day, but there wasn't really much they could do with their situation.

"You excited to be six?" Micheal smiled, messing up Evan's hair gently as they walked out to the car.

Evan smiled and nodded, "yeah! Can Elizabeth and Mom come to play with us?"

He was too young to understand what happened to Elizabeth, to understand that she was dead, then again nobody explained that to him. As for their mother, neither knew what William had done to her yet

"Uh I don't think so," Micheal chuckled nervously, unsure how to explain everything to his younger brother. "But I'll be here, and we'll have so much fun. I'll even get a cake for you."

During the drive to the grocery store Micheal worked at, the two had planned what they could do with the little money they had. Evan didn't want much which was a relief for his older brother. Before his shift started, Micheal bought a cake and a cheap gift for Evan. He hid them under the cash register counter so Evan wouldn't see it.

The shift was slower and longer than normal, so Micheal turned on a TV and watched whatever was on, which happened to be the news channel. Having nothing else to do and no remote to change the channel, he watched it.

"Another tragic disappearance in this small town. Local pizzaria owner, William Afton, has now lost his wife, Laura Afton. She was found early this morning by Mr. Afton, who was devastated to see she had died."

This couldn't be real, Micheal didn't want it to be real. It had to be his mind playing tricks on him, right? He stepped closer to the TV, hoping what he heard was just in his head until William walked on screen.

"It was absolutely horrendous, I was just going to get something from the shed when I found her.." those fake tears pissed Micheal off, he knew William must have had something to do with his mother's death.

Micheal didn't think twice before rushing outside to the car he had stolen from his father. He didn't know what he was doing, he was filled with anger and grief. He couldn't stop himself from speeding out of the parking lot, ready to face his father again to know exactly what he did.

That was definitely a trait he inherited from William, that raging anger that begged for violence and revenge. He hated it but it so hard to ignore when it was towards the man he called father.

Luckily Micheal was pulled over pretty quickly for speeding, well not lucky for him seeing it would get him in trouble he didn't need. Not only that but they might recognize him and send him back home. Micheal's anger was quickly replaced by fear as he stopped the car on the side of the road.

"Shit shit shit." He whispered, he knew he'd be arrested. He was a minor speeding, and to make matters worse he had forgotten his wallet with Evan.

Another thought crossed his mind, he had left Evan in the break room alone. He left without thinking about anything and was regretting it so much. What will he do to fix this? The only people he could call were his mother, who is dead. Henry, who he didn't know if he could trust. Jeremy, who was six hours away still in their home town. He thought about calling his boss until he realized he didn't have his phone number memorized. And calling William was completely out of the question.

"Do you know fast you were going?"

Not even seconds after the officer spoke, Micheal bursts into tears. He couldn't stop himself, he was so scared of what could happen and had no idea what to do to get out of this.

"I'm so sorry I panicked and and I don't know what I'm doing"

The officer sighed, "calm down, I'm gonna take you down to the station so you can call someone to pick you up, okay kid?"

Micheal agreed, he couldn't exactly resist and had no plan. He got out and followed the officer into the police car. During the drive Micheal tried to think of what he could do since he needed to get back to Evan as soon as possible.

What was he thinking, leaving like that? With no warning, no goodbye, but he was so angry in the moment. That was still no excuse for what he did though.

Soon Micheal was sitting in the police station, thinking of what to do. The only person who would come was Jeremy, so he had to settle for that even with the six hours wait. He sighed and asked for his phone call.

"Hey Jeremy.."

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