Chapter Four - Road Trip

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Third POV

After a hour Evan woke up again, still hungry since neither of them have had anything to eat yet. They still had a long way until they got to the cabin though, and Micheal didn't plan on stopping unless it was an emergency. Of course he was hungry too, but he didn't want to risk being dragged back to the man he once called his father.

"Micheal, I'm hungry!" Evan whined, hugging his plushies close.

Micheal let out an annoyed sigh, "look Evan, you can check around for any snacks but I'm not stopping until I'm out of gas. I have to save our money."

With a quiet huff, Evan began to search for any food in the car while Micheal drove. Luckily he had found a bag of chips Micheal had forgotten in his backpack.

Quickly, he opened the bag and began eating happily. Micheal noticed and stole a few chips, gaining a blank stare of betrayal from the younger boy. Once the older of two noticed the stare, he laughed.

"God, Evan, relax it's fine." Micheal laughed, trying not to let it distract him from driving.

Evan poured and continued to eat the chips, giving Micheal a few since he didn't want him to be hungry too. Soon Evan go bored of sitting doing nothing, so he crawled to be back seat and began to play with his plushies.

The rest of the drive was nice, they didn't have to worry about much. Well, Evan didn't have to worry about anything. Micheal on the hand was thinking about what he would do to make money so he could buy the things they needed.

It would be hard for him to get a job while him and his brother were considered "missing." If anyone recognized him while he was out they might call the police or worse, his father. He then thought about how risky it might be that he went to a place William had been too before.

He shook his head at his wondering and worried thoughts as he began to drive on the gravely path to Henry's cabin. Evan perked up and went to the window, looking at everything outside as they passed trees. The young boy crawled back to the front passenger seat as they passed the lake and finally pulled up to the cabin.

"Yay! We're here!" Evan smiled, getting out as soon as Micheal stopped the car. He ran around, showing his Golden Freddy plush his favorite spots from previous times he's been there.

Micheal stepped out and stretched, relieved they had made it safely. While Evan ran around the older of the two brought their bags inside and looked for any food. Of course there was none to be found, which frustrated Micheal.

"God fucking dammit!" He cursed quietly, kicking his own bag across the floor. He knew there would most likely be nothing but he was still mad about it.

After calming down, he walked out to Evan, "hey, let's go to the store and get some food, 'kay?"

"Okay!" Evan nodded then followed Micheal back into the car.

Micheal cursed again, seeing the gas tank was almost empty. Still, he tried to keep his cool and began driving to the closest store. As he drove he thought about what they could use to keep themselves from being caught and brought back. Hair dye was the first things to come to mind, it wouldn't give a big change but it was something.

Once they made it to the store Micheal and Evan got out and got what they needed and could afford to get. Which included food, water, hair dye, more food, and a pair of fake glasses. After paying they drove to the closest gas station then back to the cabin.

First thing they did was eat of course, then they put their stuff away. Since it was getting dark, Micheal put Evan to bed, well he tried to at least.

"I don't want to be alone." Evan whined, beginning to tear up.

"You won't be," Micheal groaned, gesturing to the plushies Evan brought, "you're friends are here to protect you."

"But but but," Evan tried to come up with an excuse for Micheal to stay. Even though the child had slept in the cabin before he was still scared of the dark and what could be outside lurking in the trees.

Giving in, Micheal sighed and sat next to Evan on the bed, "okay, I'll stay here, crybaby."

Evan nodded and curled up, closing his eyes ready to get a good night's sleep for once. Micheal waited for him to fall asleep but ended up passing out there with him. After all he didn't sleep the night before at all and drove all day, he was exhausted.

The two slept through the night with in interruptions, one finally feeling safe and the other worried about how they'll stay safe.

A/N: this part was mainly filler to be honest but things will get interesting again soon!

Runaways (FNAF AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora