Chapter Nine - Alone

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Third POV

"Micheal?!" Jeremy yelled into the phone, surprised to be hearing from Micheal. After seeing he was missing, Jeremy didn't expect any sort of calls from Micheal, let alone one from him sitting in a police station.

"What the hell happened? Where are you? Are you okay? Is Evan with you?"

"Jeremy, uh, take a breath, I'll explain in a minute.." Micheal leaned on the wall, relieved to hear Jeremy's voice again.

"Micheal Afton, you've been missing for almost a while fucking week, I've been worried man! You can't just disappear like that without telling me, why didn't you tell me?" Jeremy always cared about Micheal, maybe more than normal friends would but that's just because they're close, totally not because he likes Micheal.

Micheal was taken back at his worried Jeremy sounded, how his voice cracked like he was on the edge of crying.

"I'm sorry Jeremy, I just didn't know how to tell you. You know you're my closest friend, and my favorite one too." Unlike his father, Micheal was genuine and truthful.

There was a moment of silence before Jeremy spoke again, "where are you calling me from?"

"......Charlottesville police station in Virginia."

"Michael what the actual fuck are you doing in Virginia."

Jeremy's reaction was more tame than Micheal had expected, he was ready to be yelled at but that was something his father would do, not Jeremy.

"I didn't know where else to go so I went to Henry's little vacation spot. I...I know it's a long drive but you're the only person other than Evan that I can trust right now."

This was insane, Jeremy couldn't just go and make a six hour trip to Micheal. What would he tell his mom? Would she even let him go out alone after all the missing children and now Mrs. Afton's murder? He had no idea how he would be able to get to Micheal, but he didn't want to let him down.

"Mike," Jeremy sighed, fidgeting with the wire to the phone, "..I'll come and get you, if I can convince my mom I'm just staying at someone's house then I could stay over night. Don't go anywhere, I'll see you soon dude."

Before Micheal could reply he heard the phone click followed by the static of nothing. He sighed and sat down again to wait, he would be there for awhile.

While Micheal waited for Jeremy to arrive, Evan sat alone in the break room. The young boy waited for his older brother to check in during his break, patiently coloring with the paper and crayons the manager had given him.

"How long do you think Mikey is gonna work?" Evan asked the Golden Freddy plushie as he scribbled.

Of course he was met with silence, with the only noise being his crayons against the paper and his quiet humming of a lullaby his mother used to sing to him.

Another hour passed by and still no Micheal. Evan had run out of paper so he waited for his older brother, patient but growing worried. The same thing happened with Elizabeth, she went to the other room and he never saw her again. He was scared Micheal had left him like Elizabeth did, that thought of being alone brought tears to his eyes.

"Where's Micheal?" Evan sobbed, hugging his plushie close as he cried for his older brother.

That's all he could do, cry for him in hopes maybe Micheal would hear and come back. Evan was too scared to look for him so kept crying, the worry of Micheal being gone rising along with the fear of being alone.

"Hello? Oh dear," one of Micheal's coworkers peaked in then rushed over to Evan, quickly checking over the crying child, "what happened? Are you okay?"

Evan cried louder for Micheal, sobbing as more tears fell from his eyes. All he wanted was for his brother to come back, he didn't want to be alone like this.

The employee did what they could do to calm Evan down, but soon enough he ended up crying himself to sleep. They carried Evan to their car and drove the address Micheal provided for paychecks.

Once they got there they waited for Micheal to show up. Evan slept through most of the waiting, but once he woke up he began crying again for Micheal to come back.

Luckily Jeremy had just gotten to the police station after a long six hour drive. He picked up Micheal and followed his directions to Henry's cabin, other than that they didn't speak much.

Jeremy was still mad Micheal hadn't told him about his plan to run away. Well mad wasn't the right word, he was just hurt he didn't know about all of it sooner.

As they pulled up Micheal began to panic, seeing there was another car parked in front. He rushed out of the car and ran inside, "Evan?!"

Evan looked over then got up and ran over to Micheal, hugging him tightly, "don't leave again please."

"I'm so sorry Evan," Micheal hugged his younger brother tightly as tears began to roll down his cheeks.

With Laura and Elizabeth being dead and William being nothing like a father, Micheal was the only family Evan had left and the same went for Micheal.

A/N: this is sort of another filler chapter but I hope you enjoyed it!

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