Chapter Nineteen - Here He Comes

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Third POV

William stared at the screen showing Henry and Michael at McDonald's in disbelief. He then laughed at Evan's simple mistake. Now he knew where they were, the only place Henry would go to be by himself. Part of him was mad he hadn't thought to look for his son's there earlier, but he put his anger aside and focused on getting ready to leave.

He wasn't sure what he would need, he just wanted to find them. After a few minutes of thinking, he decided to pack up the normal things anyone would bring on a road trip. Since he had assumed he might need to go into hiding.

And his assumption was right. There were two policeman knocking at his door to interrogate him. They waited patiently while William quickly packed his things.

"Coming!" William called out as he opened a window in his room to escape from after letting them in.

Once he had it all set he rushed over to answer the door, making sure to seem sad as usual. He was getting used to the act since more people have been coming to check on him, distracting him from watching his sons through the eyes of a plushie.

"Oh," William was slightly taken back seeing the two policeman, "is there a problem officers?"

"We're just here to ask a couple of a questions and have a look around." One of the two spoke, watching William's every little twitch and fidget. They didn't trust him at all, not when they had first met him when he called about 'finding' Laura dead and not now.

"Of course, come right in, I just need to use the restroom real quick." William stepped aside to let them in, waiting until they sat on the couch to go to his room.

Quietly, he got his bags and climbed out. He ran right for Laura's car, throwing his things in the back as he got into the driver's seat. Like Henry and Micheal had done before, William sped away to the cabin.

"...he ran, didn't he." One of the policemen let out an annoyed sighed, getting up to call the station.

Meanwhile Henry, Michael, and Evan were heading back to the cabin from the fast food place. Evan had fallen asleep in the car, after all he was playing around a lot in the play place. But it was nice that he got to have some fun like a normal kid.

The rest of the day was pretty nice, they didn't do much but they still had fun together. After a few hours though, Henry got a call from the local police station. Of course he answered, hoping it was news that William had been arrested but it wasn't.

"This is Henry Emily, correct?" The receptionist asked over the phone.

"Yes, is something wrong?"

"We've got some calls that you were seen with the missing boys, Micheal and Evan Afton. We just need you to come in to prove you have some sort of relation with the kids and hadn't been the cause for them to go missing."

Henry sighed, "of course, I'll be there as soon as possible."

"Alright, thank you Mr. Emily."

Putting the phone down, Henry looked over to Micheal and Evan. He wasn't sure if he should bring them with him, worried that William might show up. But they were pretty far and there was no way William would even know where they were, right?

Henry let out another sigh then walked over to the two boys, "hey I have to um go out for a bit, I'll be back soon though."

Evan looked up at Henry, worried and nervous, "promise you'll come back?"

He was still uneasy about anyone leaving without him, but what kind wouldn't be after being left alone for hours? On the other hand, Micheal seemed okay with it. He could handle himself and Evan, after all he had done it decently enough before Henry arrived.

"I promise I'll be back, don't worry Evan." Henry gave a reassuring smile and a gentle pat on Evan's head.

"See you two soon, be safe and don't burn the cabin down please." He joked a bit before leaving as the two boys waved to him.

When Henry left, Micheal looked to Evan who was close to crying again, "uhh wanna build another fort?"

Evan thought for a moment then shook his head, "can we play outside?"

"Hm, sure," Micheal shrugged as he got up, "just be careful and don't fall, don't want you to hurt your head again."

"Okay! Let's go!" Evan smiled, running out the door to play whatever games he could think of outside. Micheal followed him out, glad to be able to somewhat be like a normal kid.

They played hide and seek first, then after a few rounds they began to play tag. Which was interrupted by Evan pointing at Laura's car approaching.

"Look! Mom's here!" He smiled happily, looking at Micheal as he pointed.

Micheal looked over confused until a look of dread covered his face. That wasn't Laura in the car, it couldn't be her since she was dead. In her place was the man who had killed her, William Afton.

The car stopped and William stepped out, making Evan's smile drop and panic rise.

"I found you."

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