Chapter Thirteen - Grief

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Third POV

CW/TW: mentions of death

Yet again Micheal was standing at the cash register counter, bored and tired. Evan was now sitting in a chair next him, partially since the younger boy worried about Micheal leaving again. But after the little incident on his birthday Micheal wanted to keep an eye on Evan to make sure he was safe.

"I didn't realize work would be this boring," Micheal mumbled, leaning against the wall behind him.

Evan hummed and looked over at his older brother, tilting his head, "can Elizabeth come and play? She hasn't been home for a long time.."

The poor kid didn't know his sister was dead. He was there for the funeral but he was too young to understand. Everyday he would wait for her to come back for another test party, he didn't understand why she left.

Micheal looked at the floor, remembering what he had found out about his father's private projects. The teen was curious about the animatronics his father kept secret which only led to him finding out about Circus Baby's purpose. When he found out he thought maybe Elizabeth had fallen victim to the animatronics sweet trap, maybe that caused Elizabeth's death.

"Uh Liz can't play right now, how about you draw? I'll get the crayons and paper from boss." Micheal looked over to his brother, who had tears filling his eyes.

"Evan c'mon, don't cry," he sighed, walking over to his younger brother who had already started crying.

"Why did Elizabeth leave? Why won't she come back?" Evan cried, hugging his Golden Freddy plush close.

Even though he didn't process Elizabeth was dead, he still grieved about her not being there. He knew she was gone, but he didn't know why. Which led to him think he did something wrong.

"Evan," Micheal hugged him gently, "she's gone bud..I'm sorry, you'll understand better when you're older."

The two stood there, with Evan sobbing into Micheal's arms. It was good nobody had come to the grocery store often so nobody had walked in.

"I know it hurts, I miss her too." Micheal spoke quieter than his usual tone, tearing up a bit himself.

He had regretted the times he brushed Elizabeth off to go and lock himself in his room. He wished he let her paint his nails when she asked instead of saying it was only for girls. After her death he spent more time with Evan, afraid he might lose his younger brother too.

"I want her to come back," Evan cried, clinging onto Micheal's shirt and letting his plush fall to the floor.

William let out an annoyed groan, "fuckin' hell Evan, could you hold the damn thing for five fucking minutes?!"

The man had been watching his sons through the plush's eyes again. At least, he was trying to. With Evan nearly never putting it down it was pretty hard for William to ever get a good enough view of where Micheal and Evan could be.

Taking a deep breath, William leaned back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling. Laura's funeral was happening the next day, which meant he had to put on the same act he did for Charlie's funeral. But this time he had to write the eulogy and read it as if he weren't the one that had killed her.

Sometimes he regretting killing his wife, but not for the normal reasons. No, he regretted it because now when he went out he pretend to be upset and broken. It was easy for him but it was still tiring to seem sad all the time.

As he got up to get something to eat he heard the phone ring. He knew it had to be Henry so he want back to his office and sat down, pretending like he didn't hear the constant ringing front he kitchen.

William put his attention back on screens I'm front of him, still showing the ceiling of the grocery store until Evan picked up the plush. The young boy had stopped crying and calmed down, hugging the plush again.

Micheal had helped Evan calm down with the promise of getting sweets for him. Soon Evan began to color while Micheal went to make sure everything was still in stock.

Meanwhile Henry was waiting by the phone in the pizzaria, pacing as he waited for a call back from William. All he wanted to do was to make sure his friend was okay, especially how they had left things the night before.

"God, Will, the least you could do is call in to take the day off." Henry signed, slumping down in the swivel chair. Of course he wasn't mad at William, since he believed the man was grieving, but he still wanted just a quick call back.

After a few minutes Henry called him again, only to be met with ringing for a minute until William's voicemail played.

"Afton household, unfortunately nobody can answer the phone right now. Please leave a message and call again later!"

It was still Laura's voice, Henry figured William hadn't gotten the strength to get rid of it yet. In reality though, William had just forgotten to change the voicemail.

Henry leaned back in the chair, letting out a sigh. He decided to leave William alone for the rest of the day, seeing Laura's funeral would be happening the next day. Part of him didn't want to go, afraid of how much it'll hurt to see her really be gone.

Wanting to distract himself from hus thoughts, Henry got up and walked out to the main party areas of the pizzaria. It was nice getting to see families be happy together, but Henry longed to be like them once again.

Henry wasn't ready for the next day, nor were Micheal and Evan. The two brothers wouldn't expect for it to happen.

A/N: yes this is more filler-

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