Chapter Eleven - Happy Birthday

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Third POV

TW/CW: child getting hurt

The next morning Jeremy and Micheal woke up to Evan jumping onto them and cheering, "it's my birthday! Wake up!"

"Evan calm down," Micheal groaned, sitting up to rub his eyes while Jeremy just went back to sleep, "what time is it??"

"Um 6AM!" Evan smiled, proud of himself for being able to read what time it was. He couldn't read much, since he hadn't started school yet and William wasn't going to teach him. Laura tried to but could never get him to pay attention long enough.

Micheal wanted to get mad, he didn't like having to wake up early, but he kept himself calm since it was Evans birthday and he didn't want to mess it up for him.

"Jesus, give me a minute to get up, go and get ready." Micheal yawned, laying back down on Jeremy only to jump right back up realizing he had slept on Jeremy.

"Actually how about I help you get ready," Micheal smiled nervously, trying to shake off how flustered he was about laying on Jeremy. He was a gay mess.

"I don't need help, I'm a big boy now!" Evan smiled then ran to go back to his room, only to come back and hold Micheal's hand, "but you should come with me because it's dark."

Micheal chuckled, "alright bud, let's go." He walked to the room with Evan and helped him get ready for the day.

"How old are you turning again?" Micheal joked, ruffling up Evan's hair as he stood up.

"Six!" Evan answered with a bright smile.

"You know what that means, six punches!" Micheal grinned, he wasn't actually going to punch Evan but he thought his reaction would be funny.

"Noooo!" Evan whined then ran off with Micheal chasing after him.

Micheal caught up quickly and picked up Evan, "I got you!" He laughed and messed up his hair again.

Evan tried to get him to stop and whined, "Michealllll"

The older brother laughed and put the younger down, smiling, "okay okay I'm done, let's wake up Jeremy then we can go to get the cake and a present I left at work."

"Okay! Jeremy wake up!" Evan ran over to the couch and flopped onto Jeremy.

Once he woke up the three of them went to the grocery store Micheal worked at to get the cake and gift he had left there. During the drive they blasted music and sang along to the songs that played, but had to stop since Jeremy kept getting distracted from driving.

They got what the needed from the store, along with some extra snacks and candy that Evan wanted. Jeremy insisted on paying for it since he knew Micheal needed to save his money for actual necessities.

After that they went to go and get the car Micheal had stolen from William. Then they met up back at the cabin and Jeremy began set up some decorations for Evan while Micheal cooked.

"What can I do?" Evan asked, bouncing excited wanting to help with something.

Micheal looked at him, "uhh why don't you go to the shed to see if you can find anything cool for us to play with?"

Evan nodded and ran outside to the shed next to the cabin, carrying his Golden Freddy plush with him. In the shed there were floaties, tools, random little things, and a few prototype endoskeletons William had left there since he had no use for them.

The birthday boy looked around, squinting to adjust his eyes to the darkness after the door closed behind him. Since he couldn't reach the string to turn on the lights he walked around in the dark, being careful to not trip over anything.

"It's too dark in here," Evan whispered to his Golden Freddy plush, beginning to get nervous and scared.

He looked around once more and noticed the unfinished endoskeleton prototypes and his fear of the animatronics rushed back. Panicking, he turned to run out of the shed only to trip over a pool noodle and hit his head hard on the floor.

Ignoring the pain, Evan got up and ran back inside the cabin while crying, "Micheal!"

Jeremy and Micheal turned their attention over to Evan and immediately panicked seeing his forehead bleeding from a cut he got from the fall.

"Holy fuck, Evan, what happened?!" Micheal ran over, quickly picking up Evan and rushing him over the bathroom to get the first aid kid.

Jeremy followed behind, worried and panicking, "should we go to the hospital? Fuck what do we do-"

Evan cried louder, finally processing the pain and freaking out about the blood, "it hurts" He sobbed, beginning to hyperventilate as his panic increased.

"I don't know what to fucking do Jeremy, we can't go to the hospital," Micheal tried to keep himself from panicking more than he already was. "Evan, it's it's gonna be okay, you're gonna feel better soon."

Micheal did his best to calm Evan down as he cleaned up the blood and patched up his forehead. While Jeremy was still freaking out, hoping Evan didn't have a concussion but knew it was pretty likely he did.

Soon the three calmed down and Micheal carried Evan, who was still crying and sniffling, "let's get you some ice for your head and cake for your mouth."

He walked to the kitchen and put Evan down on the counter then went to get an icepack for Evan. Jeremy helped by getting the cake out the candles he bought earlier. While he put the candle in and lit them, Micheal put the icepack on Evan's head and wiped away his tears.

"Happy birthday to you," Jeremy began to sing as he brought the cake over to Evan, Micheal chuckled a bit and joined in, "happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Evan, happy birthday to you!"

Evan smiled slightly and blew out the candles as he held the icepack on his forehead.

They three ate the cake then Evan opened his present which was a bouncy ball and candy since Micheal couldn't afford anything else. Soon Jeremy had to leave so Micheal and Evan spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies and playing board games.

At the end of the day Micheal made a fort in the living room for Evan to sleep in. Of course he insisted on his older brother staying in the fort with him. They played a few more board games in the fort before getting ready to sleep.

While they slept Henry was going to the Afton household. He was worried about William since he heard about Laura's death, so being the good friend he is, Henry went to check on William.

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