Chapter Six - Surprise Visits

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Third POV

Things we're going good the next day, Micheal was working his first shift and Evan was drawing in the break room. The night before Micheal had dyed his hair a bright red, maybe not the best thing since it made him stick out but that was the first color he saw.

The morning was slow, not many people were coming since is was a Sunday and most people were at church. But there still were some people coming in.

One of those people stuck out to Micheal, seeing that it was Henry Emily, his father's business partner and best friend. Micheal didn't understand how someone as nice as Henry would end up working with someone like his father.

"Fuck." Micheal cursed under his breath and quickly sat down to hide behind the counter before Henry could notice him.

Questions rushed through Micheal's head, why was Henry there? Is he staying at his cabin now? Is he looking for Micheal and Evan? Does he know that they're hiding there? Did their father send him?

Quickly and quietly, Micheal went to the break room and looked around for someone, anyone, to take over the cash register until Henry left.

"Hey, boss, uh," Micheal walked to his boss, since he was the only one in the break room at the time, "can you take over the cash register for a minute?"

"Sure, is something wrong?" The manager stood up, looking down at Micheal with a worried expression.

"Eh it's not worth explaining right now," Micheal mumbled with a shrug as he sat with Evan. "But uh can you tell me when the guy with the beard and glasses leaves? He's wearing a red flannel."

"Of course, but tell me what's going on later." The manager said before walking out to the cash register.

"What's happening?" Evan asked, beginning to get worried.

Micheal's racing thoughts drowned out the question. He thought about how worried Henry looked. Henry was close to the two boy's father, after all they had made a diner together, so it made sense he would be wondering where Micheal and Evan had gone.

Part of Micheal wanted to go back out and tell Henry about everything and why he had run away with Evan. Maybe they could all leave the state and far far away from William. But Micheal was scared that Henry wouldn't believe him and take them back, it seemed irrational for him to be scared of it since Henry was a good person but he couldn't help the fear.


Evans worried voice finally pulled Micheal out of his thoughts.

"Huh? What did you say?" Micheal looked at his younger brother, hiding how paranoid he was.

"What's happening?" Evan repeated, hugging his Golden Freddy plush close. Gaining a groan in frustration from William back at the house that they couldn't hear.

"Nothing." Micheal lied, it was getting easier for him to lie to the younger boy about their situation. Later in life Evan would look back at this and probably be mad at his older brother for keeping reality hidden from him.

Evan nodded then continued to draw. The only noise in the room was now the crayons scrapping against the paper and the heater keeping them warm.

After a few minutes Micheal's boss came back to the break room, "alright, it's all good now Mike, you can get back to work. But we're talking about this after your shift!"

Getting up, Micheal nodded and rushed back out to the cash register. He scanned the store to make sure Henry was gone, sighing in relief to see he was nowhere to be seen.

As Micheal got to work Mrs. Afton was driving to see William. She knew something was off and needed to know why her boys were shown as missing.

After the five missing children cases and losing Elizabeth, she was terrified of losing any more of her kids. Little did she know that her boys were safe far away from William.

William heard her loud knocking followed by, "William answer the door!"

"Fuckin' hell." He scoffed, getting up to open the door.

Before he could open the door all the way Mrs. Afton walked in, glaring at the man that stood in front of her.

"Where the fuck are my sons."

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