Chapter Eighteen - One Mistake

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Third POV

Like most little kids, Evan didn't want to go to see the doctor. So he began crying to go back to the cabin once they had already parked in front of the doctor's office.

Henry sighed, looking back at Evan crying, "Evan, it'll just be a quick check up, don't worry buddy. Me and Michael will be there with you, then we'll go out for some burgers."

Evan sniffled and wiped his tears, "promise?" He whispered.

"I promise." Henry nodded with a small smile before getting out with Michael then opening the door for Evan.

Hesitantly, Evan got out and held Henry's hand while hugging his Golden Freddy plushie with his free arm. He didn't really walk with Henry, he just let the older man drag him inside since he didn't want to walk.

Of course instead of dragging the child, Henry picked him up and walked inside with Michael. "Here, take your brother and go sit down, I'll sign in." He said, handing Evan over to Michael.

Michael wasn't the strongest but he was able to carry Evan without struggling too much. He definitely wanted to get stronger though, so he could protect himself and Evan in case their father showed up. But it wasn't the time to worry about that, so Michael walked over to the waiting area and put Evan in a chair before sitting next to him.

"Mikey, do I need to see the doctor?" Evan whispered, still a little teary eyed.

It would be a bit of a stretch to say Evan hated going to the doctor's but certainly did not enjoy it. If anything he was just scared of them, especially when he'd have to get any shots.

"Yeah, sorry Ev but we gotta make sure you're okay." Michael answered, ruffling up Evan's hair.

Even gave a small huff and tries to fix his hair only for Michael to mess it up again. The cycle went on as Henry finished signing in.

Before walking to the two boys Henry stepped away and called the police station. He wanted to do so the night before but he had gone drinking instead.

"Police department, what's the emergency?"

"Um hello, I'm Henry Emily, co-owner of the Fazbear chain. I want to report a child murder." Henry paused and took a deep breath, calming himself down so he wouldn't panic at the image of the children he found.

"I was going to clean the suits and found four of the missing kids. I confronted my co-owner of the franchise, William Afton, and he admitted to killing the missing kids, killing his wife, and killing.." he paused and took another deep breath, "my daughter. He then attacked me, but I was able to escape. That man need to arrested as soon as possible, he is a manipulative prick."

"Thank you Mr. Emily, stay safe and we'll take care of it from here."

Henry let out a sigh of relief and hung up, at least he now knew the murderer would finally be put away. Right?

He walked over to the two brother bothering and annoying each other about everything. As he sat down down the two stopped and silently glared at each other.

"Come on you two, let's not fight today." Henry said softly, he couldn't bring himself to sound stern or mad after the call he had made. It was harder for him to keep making it seem like everything was okay when he still felt horrible. Even if he knew William would be arrested, he still had seen the dead bodies and still knew who killed Charlie.

Michael looked at Henry, noticing his usual happy attitude was slipping. Before he could say anything about it, a nurse called out, "Evan Afton?"

All attention turned to the three as they got up and walked over to the nurse. Some whispered to each other,

"Aren't those two of the missing kids?"

"Is that the owner of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria??"

"What are they doing with him?"

"What happened?"

The quiet muttering made Michael nervous, he hated having a sudden spotlight on the three of them. He began to worry that someone would call his father and rat them out to him.

Soon though he was pulled out of his thoughts as Evan was clinging onto Henry, refusing to go into the doctor's office. It would have been an issue, but Henry was able to easily pick him up and carry him inside.

The rest of the check up had it's ups and downs. Evan didn't want to cooperate since he was scared and kept crying, but Michael and Henry comforted him and assured him it would be okay. Michael ended up getting a check up too to show Evan it would be okay.

In the end Evan got a sticker, which he was pretty happy about. Then the three of them headed out to get some burgers at a fast food place near by.

"Do you guys wanna eat inside? They've got a play place." Henry smiled as he pulled into the parking lot, to which Evan perked up.

"Let's go inside! Inside!!" Evan smiled, bouncing in his seat then practically jumping out of the car as soon as it parked.

Michael laughed and got with Henry, both rushing to catch up with the now hyper child running inside. Before Henry let Evan go play they found a table to sit at and ordered some food.

Evan left his Golden Freddy plushie on the table sitting up, giving it a clear view of everything. Including Henry and Michael. He had left it there so he wouldn't lose it or have it stolen while he played in the play place.

But that was a very big mistake.

Runaways (FNAF AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें