Unsolved Problems

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Oleander just laughed. "Thanks, Origin. Thank you!" He leaned in and inhaled his scent. He calmed down. He stood and walked back into the room. "Don't kill him. Let him go." He sighed.

Oak stared. He was planning to kill him. "What? Oleander, are you sure?"

Oleander wiped tears. "There has been enough blood spilled without reason. I still have no idea why Cosmo was killed and it's senseless to kill this vampire because of it. Idiocy isn't a crime but it should be. Let him go." He leaned in close to the vampire. "I will grant you mercy this one time. If I see your face again or smell your scent within a five thousand mile radius, I will kill you. Understand."

Aiden nodded. "Clear! I understand. I will be in South America working on my tan!" Vibe untied him and as he stood, he dove at Oleander. Oleander shifted through his clothes and snapped the vampire in half, he shook the pieces. He growled as he dropped one half.

Oak stared. "Oleander, are you okay?"

The werewolf whined. He really didn't want to kill him. He growled as he walked out of the room on four legs. He shifted and someone brought him some scrub bottoms. Those worked for now. "I loved those jeans!" Oleander smiled.

"That was crazy!" Origin glared at the window. The pieces were cleaned up already.

"Why would he do that? That was suicide!" Oleander wiped his face. "Why? Why would Cosmo make a deal with a hunter and that kind of deal? What deal do people make with hunters? They hunt. I wouldn't go out of my way to deal with one so why would Cosmo? Was it really suicide? Fuck!"

Oak sat. "I don't know. I'm sorry that you didn't get any real answers."

"Just a lot more weird questions. Have you heard of a hunter in this area?" Oleander sighed. He was avoiding the Alpha stuff.

"Not yet. So, you are an Alpha?" Oak smiled as he walked in. "Oleander?"

"No! I have no idea what he was talking about!" Oleander sighed as he covered his face.

"How old are you?" Oak was curious.

"I'm just twenty." Oleander sighed.

They stared at him. "You are twenty and you took out twenty vampires? Alone!" Vibe was shocked because he never talked. He had to ask. "Seriously?"

Oleander nodded. "But that doesn't make me an Alpha."

Oak smiled. "You will be when you are older, my boy. We will have to find you some land to claim when the time comes!" He was excited. "This is wonderful news. I could use the help."

Oleander sighed. "But how could I be an Alpha?"

"They are created out of need. You became an Alpha when your mate was killed and you took revenge. Oleander, I will try to help you figure this out. I'm going to search for this hunter. I want answers for you too. You know that you are a part of me, yes?" Oak smiled.

Oleander nodded. "Sir. I feel that and I have no idea what it means."

Oak smiled. "We can teach you."

Vibe smiled like a kid that just got a new toy. "Are we training him?"

Oak laughed. "I'm thinking about it. Let's get through this moon first. Get him introduced first."

"Origin, are you okay?" Oleander noticed he was quiet.

Origin just laughed. "You have to be joking! I already have no control around you and now you are an Alpha!" He leaned into Oleander. "I'm never going to be okay! It's so sexy!"

Oleander smiled. "Thanks, Origin." He really needed his mate's support. He felt lost right now. "I feel like there was some joke that I wasn't let in on!"

Oak sighed and touched his back. "We will figure this out."

Vibe nodded. "On a very important note, and totally off topic... are you going to change your name?" He paused. "Origin changed his name when we took him in. I was curious if you were going to."

Oak inhaled. "I believe we will leave that up to you, Oleander."

Origin smiled. "I think it might be good for you. Leave all of that old life behind and begin new."

Oleander sighed. "Can I think about it?"

Oak nodded. "Take some time and make sure that is what you want."

Vibe smiled. "I have a list of cool names that would fit you!"

"Me too. I have a couple." Cedar was there for this. "Birch or Graystone."

"Shade or Willow." Vibe nodded. "Honor or Silver!"

"Those are good!" Cedar smiled. "Quest or... March. That would be cool since that's how you got here!"

Oleander just smiled. "Thanks for the names. I am thinking about it. I like Quest."

Origin sighed. "Dare."

Oleander stared. "What?"

"Dare. I think that Dare would fit you. Seems perfect but I just loved it." Origin shrugged. It seemed like the perfect name for his mate. "What do you think?"

"Dare.." Cedar was trying it out. "Dare. Dare and Origin."

Vibe smiled "Origin and Dare Sandoval. Dare Sandoval."

Cedar smiled. "I love it! Oleander?"

Oleander wiped a tear. "Dare? Let me think about it."

Oak smiled. "It's customary for the pack to give you your name. We voted on Origin's name. It fit him. He picked it but we voted. You will have to make your choice by the full moon. Oleander or Dare. And we vote."

Oleander nodded. "Okay." He wiped his face.

"Origin, take your mate home and relax until the meeting. Okay? I know that you have inspections and a deadline but I can talk to them. I can get you an extension. Take care of him for now." Oak smiled and walked out.

Vibe smiled. "I am so voting for Dare!" Storm chuckled and agreed. Verb just nodded. He was much more serious.

"Me too!" Cedar smiled. "Origin, take him home. We have the reports. I'll stop by later to check on you guys."

Origin's StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin