Chapter 11 - I don't open up to anyone

Start from the beginning

Lilly has always been the obvious choice for our school play. Everyone knows that. Apart from being athletic, she can sing, she can dance, she can act, there's nothing my best friend can't do and I am damn proud of her.

Unlike me, Lilly is kind of popular. She fits in every crowd, from the nerds to being a straight A student, with the athletes as the volleyball team captain and the popular ones, because she is simply so cool.

It's impossible not to like her and I wish I was more like her in that department too. To be honest, I don't even know why she hangs out with me. I'm none of those things.

"Thanks. We started rehearsals last week and it's been intense already. Mrs. Bergmann is not joking this year and she wants to do a Broadway worthy play. Musical and all."

"That's amazing. Sounds hard though." She nods vigorously. "So, who got the male lead?" I saw the results on the board, that's how I knew she got the part even before she told me, but I don't know who the guy is. I've never heard of him before.

"Oh, uhn, his name is Harris, he just transferred from England." She looks away, her cheeks slightly turning red and it's a sight I've never seen from Lilly.

Wait, is she finally interested in someone? That's new, so I definitely need to investigate more about this. I feel like I missed a lot in two weeks.

"England? That sounds cool."

''Yeah, he has a twin sister who transferred too, obviously. Her name is Audrey, I guess."

"Have you met her?" I ask, not knowing who the girl is as well.

"Not yet. I've seen her around though." I nod, still wanting to know more. "Can I ask you a question?''

She says before I can ask further about her Harris and I tell her to go ahead, knowing that she doesn't really want to talk about this guy, only raising my suspicion that she might be into him.

I think I already know what she's going to ask, but I really don't mind this time, because if I were in her shoes, I would ask too.

''What's going on with you and Bennett?'' Yep, exactly what I thought. I'm about to answer, but before anything comes out of my mouth, she speaks again. ''Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying anything for us to fight again, I'm just curious because I've seen you spending a lot of time with him and well, let's just say I saw you hugging him like that. I was just wondering--''

''That's ok Lil, you can ask, but I do want to know more about the play.'' And about her co-star, I mentally add.

"I know, I know. You will hear me talking about it, trust me. You will be my safe place to go cry when Mrs. Bergmann is pushing us too hard. That will happen for sure." We both laugh, because well, we've seen the school play leads go running to the bathroom in tears way too many times.

At the end, they all say it's worth it because the hard work pays off, just the process is painful.

"Anyway, tell me. You and Bennett, what's going on?" She inquires again.

"He's been helping me study, that's all. The hug you saw was because I got a B plus on my biology test, so we were just celebrating." She raises her eyebrows.

"Wow, you got a B plus? That's great! Although I've never seen him tutoring anyone, I must say that whatever he did, it's working." I nod.

"It is. I'll probably regret what I'm about to say, but it's nice to spend time with him, I'll give you that."

Her smile grows bigger, but I give her a pointed look.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not saying anything." She puts her hands in the air in her defense.

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