Really? We're family?!

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Bakugo got up a bit early and made her, her morning coffee before going to get himself ready for class. Shinta woke up not long after he had set up coffee down on her nightstand. When she opened her eyes and saw the cup she smiled and enjoyed her coffee while she got ready for class. Checking her wings in the mirror she saw that most of her feathers had grown back in, right as shinta went to leave her room she finally turned her phone back on and it went off with a bunch on missed calls and texts from the days she was missing. The one message that got her kind of excited was one from hawks 'the genetic results are in. I have the envelope at my agency come by after school, make sure to have someone come with you until we catch all of the guys who took you'.

Shinta figured she would ask Shoto to go with her, it felt right seeing as it was a possible family thing for her. She was able to quickly ask him before classes started for the day. "Hey after school will you go with me to hawks agency? He got something he and I need to go over in the mail while I was missing" shinta asked him after she was able to pull him aside before they went in the classroom. "Oh yea sure. Surprised you didn't ask Bakugo" he said jokingly to her and she blushed some "oh hush, I asked you because its a family thing" she said to him and his expression went serious "Alright sis, I'll be there" he said and they went in to class. Aizawa explained for the next month everyone was going to be doing work studies again, but with different agencies from before. The school wanted their students to have as much experience as possible. Word had been spread among the pro heroes in the area that the LOV may try to move in to get Kurogiri back soon. "Now we also want you guys to work in groups this time as well. So get in your groups and figure things out" he said to everyone and waved Shinta to come up to the front. "There is someone I want you to get to properly meet again after school. So come by the house for dinner tonight. Also the safety commission still has its suspicions about you and they want you to stick with the same agency to keep better watch on you" he explained to her "yea makes sense. Alright ill be there" she said to him before going back to her seat everyone in their groups and had everything taken care of by the end of the day. After school Shoto met up with shinta and they headed to hawks agency.

Shinta was both excited and nervous about the information they would hear from hawks. After receiving the news Shinta was going to head home for dinner like her father had asked. The news she was about to receive would make her happy beyond belief. When the two arrived hawks was in his office finishing some paperwork waiting for her to get there. "Hey, I'm here. Shoto came with me" Shinta announced as the two entered his office. Hawks quickly finished his paperwork before grabbing the envelope. He was just as nervous as her for the answer. Shinta went over to look over his shoulder at the papers as he opened the envelope. Shoto sat in the chair by the desk waiting still not really sure what was going on. "So what is this you guys are acting so weird about?" He asked and hawks gave him a weird look. "Keigo did some digging and found out it's possible my mom and his dad were siblings. So we had some genetic testing done to see if we are related" Shinta told him and Shoto smiled softly seeing her excitement. Hawks opened the envelope finally and the two looked over the papers. Just as hawks had thought Shinta was in fact his cousin. His father and her mother were siblings. "So looks like my suspicion was right. I'm glad we are getting ready to do work studies again. Maybe I can teach you few new things cuz" Hawks said jokingly and shinta playfully punched him in the shoulder. "You guys should head on back before it gets too late" hawks told the two after the three spent some time just hanging out together.

When Shinta got home she did her normal thing of switching to her house slippers "Dad I'm home" she called out before she heard the sound of little feet running on the floor. The sound of those feet sounded familiar and she turned around seeing eri coming down the hall "Flame!!" Eri cheered as she got closer Shinta kneeled down and eri hugged onto her happily. "Glad to see you're doing well" shinta said happily to her "Your my big sister now" Eri said to her as shinta picked her up and they went to find Aizawa. Of course he and Shinso were out back training like always. "Well I think Eri here told me your surprise" she said chuckling at the two. Shinso was happy to see her at home again, he knew things had been hard. Shinso was the only person beside hawks to know that dabi is her brother, he wanted too talk to her about it. "Welcome home. Yea I adopted Eri once she was cleared to leave the hospital, figured she would be a nice addition to our family of misfits" Aizawa said chuckling some. Shinta got quiet when he brought up family and Eri could tell something was wrong "no don't be sad" she said cutely and shinta smiled softly at her before putting her down. "I'm fine. Go ahead and play" Shinta said to her and Eri ran along.

The sister he never knew existedWhere stories live. Discover now